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  1. E

    Nice way to say goodbye to your trusty bike

    Excellent! They do become part of your life and it's painful when they've gone, but the memories and scar tissue will last for years.
  2. E

    Growing hostility towards Mountainbikers and Cyclists

    Excellent thread! Here's some perspective from rural Missouri. The car (or more specifically the Truck) is King and there's a complete lack of Bridal paths, RUPPs, Bikeways and other cycle friendly routes outside of some of the State and City Parks. The State Government was recently...
  3. E

    Today's Ride

    Re: A quick 'there-and-back-again' route today along some deserted rural Missouri country dirt roads. The first seven miles were directly into a stiff headwind. The only highlight was seeing a pair of denim overalls flying at 90 degrees to the washing line. At that point I realized why i was...
  4. E

    Chelsea. Top Six By New Year.

    But that was way, way back when they used to wear hobnail boots, flat caps and smoke tabs at halftime. (Coincidentally that's what my junior school teacher - Mr. Jefferson - used to wear and do whilst refereeing during my school matches in the mid-60's).
  5. E

    Chelsea. Top Six By New Year.

    As a lifelong Chelsea fan (since 1970) I'm actually kind of enjoying this collapse. Sure they did look fantastic in the early part of last season - completely dominant and scary to play against, but they coasted through the latter stages and looked flabby and complacent by the end. This year...
  6. E

    . whilst we're still discussing Lego ..

    I'm not surprised there's been no bids on it at that price. You could get thirteen full sized 'Hans frozen in Carbonite' pieces for that much.
  7. E

    Today's Ride

    Yesterday was the most frustrating ride I've had in a long time. My planned route was a flat loop of about 20 km around packed gravel tracks, but it'd been raining for about 18 hours straight, the rivers had overflowed and there was a stiffish wind blowing. In dry and firm conditions it's a...
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    Today's Ride

    This morning I did the Crabtree Cove trail around the north-east part of Stockton Lake, Missouri. It's a wide, well maintained crushed gravel track with occasional stretches of the old road that runs through the woods next to the Lake. A there and back again route with a couple of side loops -...
  9. E

    Way off topic: Lego Bob's Burgers

    Re: Re: Kragle? Never! But I did use a Dremmel to hack some bits when I was desperately in need of a couple of hinge-like pieces that I didn't have (and wouldn't arrive before the deadline). Some of the these MOCs (My Own Creations) will stay together for a season or two, some will just...
  10. E

    1993 Trek 9800 OCLV 18" frame, fork and extras ... SwxN5WUntF Georgia, USA Current bid at $200, buy it now for $260. Ships to the UK for $120.
  11. E

    So its really muddy, what do you ride?

    Re: Re: Right answer! Although there's not a huge amount of clearance between forks/stays and wheels. Mine used to get bogged down in the Essex mud by the estuaries during the wet, but at least it's light enough to drag to drier areas. A quick hose down, a clean and then a lube and I'm...
  12. E

    Way off topic: Lego Bob's Burgers

    Re: Re: I've got a Flickr account that's got most of my posted stuff on it. It's mainly buildings, vehicles, trams/streetcar, competition entries, etc. ( I get some freebies (sets/bags of bricks) from Lego as a thank you for the public displays...
  13. E

    Way off topic: Lego Bob's Burgers

    Oh just for fun. The entire world of Adult Lego revolves around ridiculous challenges and bragging rights.
  14. E

    Way off topic: Lego Bob's Burgers

    I got challenged recently to build in Lego the Restaurant from the TV Show Bob's Burgers. I ended up in the deepest parts of teh interweb looking for source materials, I tweeted with one the writers, I tried to hook up with the animation company, I watched countless episodes to try to get...
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    PACE RC35 Forks (no steerer tube or elastomers) ... Sw8-tWXhxh
  16. E

    Chelsea. Top Six By New Year.

    Good grief! Now Bournemouth have stitched them up at Stamford Bridge. I don't think a League winning team has ever subsequently collapsed as rapidly and abjectly like they have. <Rips up Imaginary Season Tickets>
  17. E

    The name ICE MAN...

    Re: Re: That's a bit of an 'anemic' response
  18. E

    ......cold outside.....??

    Because she's too busy entertaining the rest of us from this forum. Boom! I went there. Although to be honest my evening was probably even sadder as it involved sorting Lego and drinking beer.
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    1994 Pace RC-200 F3

    Re: Re: I wasn't the only male that day who had no self control in her presence. Truly a goddess!
  20. E

    Westfailure's 1990 Marin Team Titanium.

    I've got to respectfully disagree. This has to be ridden. Bikes were not meant to be investments or collectables or museum pieces. They were designed and - in the case of this one lovingly - built for one purpose. And that is move. Don't thrash it, but it deserves to reach its potential. I...