Chelsea. Top Six By New Year.


Retro Wizard
Just off the relegation zone..

Watch as they climb through the field like Schumacher with a grid penalty.

Just saying.

Meanwhile Man Utd continue to play dull but effective football. I do wonder what David Moyes would have done with them by now though. I doubt the fans would be screaming for them to attack.

Man City have shown they belong now, and who would bet against them being in amongst it in any given season now?

Meanwhile my local team are hovering mid table.

Andy Murray will have to take another spanking from Djoko in Paris.

Thinking of taking up bog snorkelling myself. Been practising with the wife.

Knightsbridge are just shite as are the rags, but they are getting away with it!

I think KFC are playing so badly as to get their tit of a manager sacked and that other lot have got what I can only describe as an escapee from Billy Smarts circus in charge.

Good grief! Now Bournemouth have stitched them up at Stamford Bridge. I don't think a League winning team has ever subsequently collapsed as rapidly and abjectly like they have.

<Rips up Imaginary Season Tickets>
Born in Leicester. Saw my first game there in 76. Lived down the street from Frank Worthington. About time we did well again.
As a lifelong Chelsea fan (since 1970) I'm actually kind of enjoying this collapse. Sure they did look fantastic in the early part of last season - completely dominant and scary to play against, but they coasted through the latter stages and looked flabby and complacent by the end.

This year with Mourinho selling Cech to the Arse (unbelievable), being a bumburp over the Eva Caneiro incident, throwing his players under the bus and generally being obnoxious & self-righteous in every interaction with the media I can't wait to see what happens next.

Do I hope they get relegated? No way! But I also wish they get saved on the last day by Wenger's Arsenal getting a result that pushes another team into the Championship. That would be poetic.

And then next season Mourinho - having learnt humility - can storm his team to the treble.

EDIT: And within minutes of posting this Mourinho gets fired. I can only suspect that CFC's board reads the retrobike forums.

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