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  1. F

    Proposal for Summer Epic - Strathpeffer and Contin Area

    Im in if not too knackered/ broken after The Bravo Scozia Ride.Which is now FREE you'll be delighted to hear.
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    The Bravo Scozia Ride Posted by Mark Stevens · Its now official. The Ride is free. BUT there will be no lunch at Amat, no eve meal or Celidh. We can all get together at the Celidh Place for a drink and a prize at 7.00 onwards. You will need to self cater, self fix bike self fix first aid, self...
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    Yay! Only 49 places left..
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    Registration is now open for The Bravo Scozia Ride. Entry fee is £50 per entry and any profits are going to the Weathered Cyclist charity. You get lunch at Amat House, an evening meal and then a Ceilidh Dance at The Celidh Place Ullapool. Maybe a prize too for the most Bravo points. See the...
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    Would you be OK camping or B&B in Ullapool? We can sort you out with a lift back to Strathpeffer on Sunday.
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    That's up to you. Some will have back up in the form of wife/GF with a car. Some may camp,or B&B then ride back next day. There will be a big van going back on Sunday morning, the one that brings the camping gear over and there is the Bike Bus. That's partly the idea of the Little Bravo, the...
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    I am pretty sure Dawes and Fablon would be generic. Does this mean we are going to have The Tartan Police patrolling Strathpeffer? No, let's keep it light. It's more about the camaraderie and the journey than the clothes and the details on our bikes.
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    Can you still get Tartan Fablon? We are wandering into pastiche now..
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    There was a Dawes in the 50's which had Tartan guards and panels, was it the Tartan Club model?
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    How about doing The Little Bravo? The Strath to Garve Hotel for lunch and back. Its 16 miles. Same offroad route as the Bravo. I'm doing it then driving over to Ullapool in time to welcome the first riders in. There's no entry fee. Lunch is £8.00 per head.
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    7th of June. Your chosen Deity, wife, fiancee, etc permitting.
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    That's cool, I'd love to see that on the ride. Now have a fine Ride logo on the Facebook page. I will be needing firm commitment in the form of the £50 entry fee soon. Get saving Folks!
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    Hi Jimulti, glad to hear you intend to look the part. The bike sounds good too. If its warm the Rab Nesbitt look would work or a semmit and westkit. Or one those Jacobite sarks. All good!
  14. F

    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    The good thing about the shopper is it allows your Kilt to hang at a more decorous advantage. You could always refit the rack and have matching Tartan shopping bags. ; )
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    I feel the need for a test ride of this Rig.
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    The cut off date will hurt a few I'm sure as will the dress code. Get yourselves to the charity shops and bike recyclers. I am considering reining in the cut off date by ten years for next year and subsequent years until, shall we say, 1897? Next years dress code? Any suggestions?
  17. F

    Strathpuffer 24 hour - January 2014

    I'll be there marshalling and plugging the Bravo Scozia. Pufferites are just the sort mad enough.
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    Flickr pages. Seeing as I've failed at posting URL
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    Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

    Check out the facebook page for The Bravo Scozia.