Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

Hi Jimulti, glad to hear you intend to look the part. The bike sounds good too. If its warm the Rab Nesbitt look would work or a semmit and westkit. Or one those Jacobite sarks. All good!
Right I am up for this - either on my Flying Scot, or my Raleigh Shopper - or I could just get hold of an old 3 speed roadster, we'll see nearer the time. Toot toot!
That's cool, I'd love to see that on the ride.
Now have a fine Ride logo on the Facebook page.

I will be needing firm commitment in the form of the £50 entry fee soon. Get saving Folks!
I am going to throw in as a supporter, but due to health issues I may not be able to ride. If I can shuttle a few folks around and such that is all good. I love the concept.
How about doing The Little Bravo? The Strath to Garve Hotel for lunch and back. Its 16 miles. Same offroad route as the Bravo. I'm doing it then driving over to Ullapool in time to welcome the first riders in. There's no entry fee. Lunch is £8.00 per head.