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  1. Mangizmo

    Today's Ride

  2. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    I didn't get where I am today by sniping the end of my cables off, I will cover this in a future pontification :)
  3. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    BRILLIANT IDEA, I could have 2, one each side !!!!
  4. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    Its ok, I realise you are one of the few that get it, no offence, the basic concept is that precisely because you are moving more slowly on a bicycle than a motorcycle then relatively a vehicle approaching from behind is closing on you more quickly. You therefor need more distance between you...
  5. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    Dohhhh I was indeed coming to those next, there is plenty more where this came from :) I just feel that I can help people see the error of their ways, its a kind of sacred mission :) Just wait till I get those bolt on drop bar add-ons from China, I will be on a crusade to convert the...
  6. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    We were talking earlier about single track country lanes where a vehicle can hardly pass you, its great to know well in advance that they are approaching from behind, I prefer to know well in advance, if others arent bothered fine
  7. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    errrr does anybody really need this to be explained ?,
  8. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    Well I am always aware of what is coming behind me, and that's the way I like it, to me it's a big advantage, and yes, electric cars are virtually silent and it enables me to pull over well in advance and allow vehicles to pass rather than suddenly realise I have a car right behind me getting...
  9. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    Yes but its a rear view mirror !!!!! you are riding AWAY from the approaching vehicle hence you subtract the figure !!!!!
  10. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    I think you need to think that through again, if the bike is traveling at 15mph, an approaching car at 30mph is closing at 15 mph!!! you are riding away, motorcycle 30mph, car 30mph closing speed is zero, not sure where you get 60mph ?
  11. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    No the closing speed is likely much faster if you are on a bicycle you have far less time to react, but hey, we all see it differently, I find a mirror useful
  12. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    What the speed of the approaching vehicle is probably faster relatively when you are on a bicycle so I don't understand the answer
  13. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    How about on a motorcycle ? are they required ? if you think they are, what is the difference ?
  14. Mangizmo

    Rear view mirror, do you use one?

    Only in the past few years have I used a rear view mirror and I cant think why I didnt use one before, it may just be that there is more choice and they are better than they used to be maybe ? Just wondering how many use one ?
  15. Mangizmo

    Today's Ride

  16. Mangizmo

    Today's Ride

  17. Mangizmo

    Tektro RL520 drop bar levers for V brakes

    I bought some of these for V brakes and can confirm that they work perfectly, I have them paired with top mounted cyclo x style levers, they also have a neat QR button for whel removal
  18. Mangizmo

    Why are drop bars so narrow, ie 46cm max?

    These are made specifically for V brakes, my mate has them and they work perfectly so I have ordered some, nice levers too with a release button to slacken the cable for wheel removel, I will report back on these drop attatchments, they look interesting...
  19. Mangizmo

    Tektro RL720 top mount levers £12.99
  20. Mangizmo

    Ding Dong Glock bell at Halfords

    I really like these huge Ding Dong bells, click and collect from Halfords at £6.99