Rear view mirror, do you use one?

I don't think anyone is saying it can't be useful, it's just that most of us are used to having a quick peek behind us. I can see why hamster used it in America while touring, I've seen videos of how little regard they have for bicycles there and how cars are king. Where I am the country roads are typically fairly spacious and I'm usually not too concerned with vehicles. It's only in the city I struggle, and I'm not sure a little mirror would give me any more confidence. Urban commuting is stressful for me and I prefer walking.
I've never ridden a motorcycle or any motorised vehicle for that matter but I also imagine it'd be a lot harder to survey your surroundings at the speeds they're going, so it makes sense to have a mirror, more so than on a bicycle.
I don't think anyone is saying it can't be useful, it's just that most of us are used to having a quick peek behind us. I can see why hamster used it in America while touring, I've seen videos of how little regard they have for bicycles there and how cars are king. Where I am the country roads are typically fairly spacious and I'm usually not too concerned with vehicles. It's only in the city I struggle, and I'm not sure a little mirror would give me any more confidence. Urban commuting is stressful for me and I prefer walking.
Agreed. Nothing takes the place of the "Lifesaver" the last observation before you commit. It's the first thing you're taught.
Bike rides at 15mph car 30mph closing speed 45 mph. m/c 30mph car 30mph closing speed 60mph.

Bike rides at 15mph car 30mph closing speed 45 mph. m/c 30mph car 30mph closing speed 60mph.
I think you need to think that through again, if the bike is traveling at 15mph, an approaching car at 30mph is closing at 15 mph!!! you are riding away, motorcycle 30mph, car 30mph closing speed is zero, not sure where you get 60mph ?
I think you need to think that through again, if the bike is traveling at 15mph, an approaching car at 30mph is closing at 15 mph!!! you are riding away, motorcycle 30mph, car 30mph closing speed is zero, not sure where you get 60mph ?
I was told you add the speeds together by my instructor years ago, you could be right. Things happen a lot quicker on a m/c than they do on a bicycle was my only point suspect maths aside.