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  1. F

    So what was your first road bike?

    Mine was a five speed Dawes Fivestar in March 1978 cost £108 with Ever ready lights and Karrimor cotton duck saddlebag put down £60 and parents guaranteed hp at £3.50 per month
  2. F

    Who was your cycling hero?

    By current Mr Miller do you mean dirty drug cheat David Miller,I dont get the reformed drug cheat bit.All the time you are cheating you are possibly depriving a clean athlete of a place in the sport because they may think they are not good enough, as far as I am concerned he can drop dead
  3. F

    GT 853 Singlespeed frame. Very rare, maybe unique

    Feary doesnt ride crap as hes a bike snob and it is a nice light frame whatever it is!!
  4. F

    Who was your cycling hero?

    George Fleming ,first bloke to break 2 hours for a fifty in, 1947 riding a small fixed gear
  5. F

    Parts for 1947 Hobbs

    Chainset brakes and pedals hoping to build it sturmey 4 speed I have the hub so far and nothing else!!
  6. F

    Parts for 1947 Hobbs

    After looking for ages I have found a 1947 Hobbs of Barbican has anyone got any period parts for sensible money?
  7. F

    retro bikes to avoid

    see you at the peaks (aka edric01 on that forum))
  8. F

    retro bikes to avoid

    Its not heavy its 531 quality lightweight tubing that has stood the test of time not some dead feeling unresponsive aluminium
  9. F

    retro bikes to avoid

    Rubbish about the steel frames I am abusing a 1985 Overburys Fellridrer week in week out its now a single speed and still going strong
  10. F

    marin palisades how old?

    I have just pulled a Marin Palisades from a recycling tip.its blue with a u brake and mountain lx mechs and chainset on it I reckon about 1988 anyone know any better (its on ebay if you want a look)
  11. F

    Small flat. Girlfriend or bike???

    Dont get rid of any bikes you will regret it ,she should accept you as you are 4 bikes is sod all try 12 +2 tandems a trailer and spare wheels ,she gets off light living with you!!