Your avatar..whats the story???

A pic of the sexy fenderskirts on the Notch.

al. :D
Mine was taken the day that we found out just how quickly the weather can change in the Cairngorms. Within about five minutes, it went from blue skies and sunglasses to complete white-out and following compass bearings for the next thirty-six hours.

Spent a day getting about five miles, then a night in a snow hole.

Whenever you see snow holes on school trips or telly, they are doing it for fun and in nice weather. Spend a bit of time on it, cosy little illuminated doors peeping out of a silent sparkling snow bank. Magical. Snow holing through choice. Come on kids, it'll be a fun adventure.

When you actually need one in a storm, they're wet wretched little coffins, with doors that need digging out every hour so you don't suffocate, so even if you could get to sleep you can't go to sleep.

My avatar is also the last photo ever taken by that camera, which didn't survive the night.
ernie":3myq42zq said:
Go on John "The Guv'nor"..why Eddy the Eagle??

Well, I've a ginger mustache and a love for retro tracksuits so it seemed apt. Plus as Enid says

Enid_Puceflange":3myq42zq said:
the coolest man ever to have lived

Nuff said really.
John":axcsh95t said:
ernie":axcsh95t said:
Go on John "The Guv'nor"..why Eddy the Eagle??

Well, I've a ginger mustache and a love for retro tracksuits so it seemed apt. Plus as Enid says

Enid_Puceflange":axcsh95t said:
the coolest man ever to have lived

Nuff said really.

:LOL: :LOL: Thanks John...just thought you were good at ski jumps :LOL: :LOL:

Ernie ;)