Yeti build thread. Not in the wrong section.

Holy shit this is incredible.
Could have stumped up for some DT 240's instead of 350's though :)
Intrigued to know (but not taking anything away from the model whatever the answer is) how much of it will articulate/move/rotate etc when it's finished - stem/forks turn in the 'headset'? Cranks rotate? Wheels spin? Superlative whatever the answer just wondering.
Also think this deserves a wider audience, have you posted it on singletrackworld? Or waiting until the final build to reveal it to the world?
everyone else is telling you how amazing it it (which it is), so I'm not going to. :P

my first job in the real world was a piping designer, for 3 weeks we made models, at which point an update to the CAD system rendered that obsolete. I got some skills but as pipes and racks are pretty much straight and easy it was never as hard as what you are doing here.
Jesus, what did I just read! Next level stuff. Well done that man, incredible
everyone else is telling you how amazing it it (which it is), so I'm not going to. :p

my first job in the real world was a piping designer, for 3 weeks we made models, at which point an update to the CAD system rendered that obsolete. I got some skills but as pipes and racks are pretty much straight and easy it was never as hard as what you are doing here.
Could have used your help on the waterslide model. Lots of pipes on that.

Holy shit this is incredible.
Could have stumped up for some DT 240's instead of 350's though :)
Intrigued to know (but not taking anything away from the model whatever the answer is) how much of it will articulate/move/rotate etc when it's finished - stem/forks turn in the 'headset'? Cranks rotate? Wheels spin? Superlative whatever the answer just wondering.
Also think this deserves a wider audience, have you posted it on singletrackworld? Or waiting until the final build to reveal it to the world?
I had to keep the spec the same as my full scale Yeti. Bit of a bugger really, because it means I have to keep the spec the same on the real one until the model is finished and sat next to it. No frivolous upgrades for me.

Most bits were built to articulate, mechs both move, cranks and wheels turn, chain works, rear suspension moves etc. This was necessary to enable various bits of drivetrain to line up when it was assembled. Sadly, once it is all stuck together all that articulation is lost. If the suspension moved, the chain would likely get torn to bits as there is no spring in the rear derailleur cage.
Steering still works and pedals spin round though.

As for a wider audience, Retrobike is the only bit of social media that I am on. Might put it on singletrack world if you think there would be any interest.
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Getting the turquoise right took a bit of mixing. I think this was about the third or fourth attempt.

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Masking tape and lasers took care of the frame graphics. Waterslides would probably have looked a bit stickerish.

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It's always a nerve-wracking moment unmaksing. Happy with the result.

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Again with the temptation of dry assembly.