Yeti build thread. Not in the wrong section.

Who are you trying to fool? You've got a massive oversize ruler and you've painted a few spare parts with a few tins of primer. Either that or you are certifiably, insanely, stupendously, unbelievably, sickeningly talented. Yes, much easier to accept the massive oversize ruler theory. And a massive fake hand earlier on.
Thanks everybody for the kind words.

Who are you trying to fool? You've got a massive oversize ruler and you've painted a few spare parts with a few tins of primer. Either that or you are certifiably, insanely, stupendously, unbelievably, sickeningly talented. Yes, much easier to accept the massive oversize ruler theory. And a massive fake hand earlier on.
Nice try, but the truth is actually more simple than that...
shrink ray.webp
I feel a sense of immense shame admitting this part.

Having decided not to use any 3D printing, or "cheating" as I call it, I confess that I did print the grips.
I wanted to turn them out of aluminium tube, but that meant buying a 0.5mm knurling tool; £30 for a crap one, about £120 for a good one.
Seeing as the chances of having to knurl something this scale ever again were somewhat slim, I couldn't bring myself to justify the expense.
So I cheated.

Grips (1).webp
Modelled in CAD.

Grips (2).webp
Sliced in Chitubox.

Grips (3).webp
Printed in resin.

There, I've confessed it.

And I'm sorry.
This is definitely my Bike Of The Year so far. So cool, your work is outstanding! I'll let you off for the grips :)
Can't wait to see the wheels and of course, the end result. Well done!
Hubs (4).webp
Hubs, obviously.
Turned the shells out of chemiwood, laser cut acrylic flanges as above. Whole lot airbrushed over with a coat of black acrylic paint, graphics are waterslide transfers, then flashed over with a drop of gloss.

Wheels (1).webp
The slots seen previously in the rim layers have been drilled out. Spoke nipples made of brass tube are poked through from the outside. The white jig ensures they all stick out the right amount.