Retouch success Time for a couple of coats of matte lacquer (as I quite liked the satin appearance of the acrylic paint) then it's time-out while it cures as I'm back in the US soon to give some love to my Stateside project
I use standard artist's acrylic paint - water based so it's easy to color match and it can be gently t-cut to a shine. My hand is not as steady as it used to be so for the fine work on the forks I used a black fine-tip Sharpie (the lacquer coat should stop it disappearing at the first sign of a little grease ).I've been lurking for some time and just signed up.
Mamadirt, do you have tutorial or any tips on restoring graphics? I'm working on a S-Works M5, black with white 'outline' logos. I was going to leave the frame in patinaed condition, but I'm tempted to give the graphics a bit of a refresh.
Loving the 'Gulf' Stumpy. Will have to keep an eye out for progress.