Winter Rides....what you using?

I still am scarred by one winter ride.

Minus 5. Freezing fog. 5mm of verglas - solid clear ice - all over the bike. Thumbs which became wood.

Yep….seared on the mind
I still am scarred by one winter ride.

Minus 5. Freezing fog. 5mm of verglas - solid clear ice - all over the bike. Thumbs which became wood.

Yep….seared on the mind
This man is one of my true heros. He was only 22 when doing this. Now that's what i call a winter ride. Changing tires at minus 35

Bunch of girls...

Thetford, 2010

Building up my fitness on my Technogym indoor bike and Concept 2. Thankfully past the painful saddle stage so starting to enjoy the fake outdoor rides. Hoping for some real snow and ice riding this winter though 😁
Leading to this infamous picture

and yes, there is a zaskar and no, it did not survive, mech hanger number 3 was required. Luckily my mate was up and about and allowed us use of the jet wash at his garage


So, a winter bike for the local trails is a road bike
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Peak retrobike, now retro in itself, some days I feel like last man standing
