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The Retrobike Rides Monthly Newsletter - January 2011
Happy New Year and welcome to the second Retrobike Rides Newsletter.
Each month we aim to enlighten you of all the goings on around the country that have occurred in the previous month and let you know what’s going on in the coming month.
Ridebike Rides have now been going strong for many years. At first these involved a couple of dodgy looking characters in lurid lycra meeting up in the woods to ride their retro pride and joys.
But now meetings have evolved to groups of up to 40 enthusiasts meeting up to enjoy their bikes, company and trails.
In doing so a friendly atmosphere has been created and good riding manners developed, giving Retrobike Rides their unique qualities and infectious banter.
Everyone is welcome to join Retrobike Rides and everyone is made to feel welcome when they do. All abilities are catered for with the rule being we only get round as fast as the slowest person, with short cuts and chicken runs being planned into the routes.
Retrobike Rides are non competitive with the emphasis on socialising, having fun and exploring the best new trails with people who know them well.
And of course doing it all riding old bikes.
If this appeals to you, please come and join in at one of our National or Local events.
The Retrobike National Events Calendar 2010/11
With support from
Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler - Cancelled due to weather.
Rd 2 - Thetford - Jan 23rd (Sunday)
Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler re-run - February 12th (Saturday)
Rd 3 - Forest of Dean - 14th May (Saturday)
Rd 4 - BDW - July 22-24 (Weekend, main ride Saturday)
Rd 5 - Drumlanrig - August 14th (Sunday)
Rd 6 - Mr. K's Day in the Peaks - Sept 10th (Saturday)
Rd 7 - Final Round (TBC) - Oct/Nov*
With the usual annual Retrobike attendance at:
- The Hell of North Cotswolds (Sunday April 10th 2011)
- Mountain Mayhem (Weekend of June 17th-19th 2011)
*The final round has been opened up for all regions to submit a bid to organise and host it. We’ll then post up their plans and every Retrobike member will have the opportunity to vote on the most popular idea. The event with the most votes will become the season finale for 2011.
Around the Regions
MacRetro - Contact Kaiser, The Ken, Clockworkgazz or Big Eck for more details.
Area PoTM
Last month:
Cancellation of the christmas night out due to weather. But the Dunkeld weight weenie challenge seems to be gathering pace Mikee has a working bike and ZZ is losing weight~(from the bike) no end.
This month:
Will see the 3rd annual Dunkers 'Baltic Bawbags' ride, a great meet and greeter and has had a good turnout in the past. Definitely on the social side and has the added weight weenie challenge were we are trying to build as light as bike as possible using as little cash as possible. Ingenuity and drilling are the order of the day! There may also be a wee adhoc ride squeezed in so keep a look out!
North East England & Yorkshire - Contact Dr S, chrisV40 or Kaya for more details.
Area PoTM
Last month:
Due to the coldest weather for the last 50 years in the North East there has been little riding this month. Deep snow and ice put a stop to our plans for rides in Dalby and Cannock, so like true Northerners, we went to the pub instead. Several of the Northumbrians had a night out sprinkled with good banter, Spanish food and lashings of alcoholic ginger beer.
Kaya bucked the trend though and managed to get a couple of rides in with the NWAs over the cold spell. He should be fit and well enough to coax the rest of us out next month!
This month:
We are looking forward to digging out or passports to head south for the Thetford National Series ride later in the month, and also hope to get a local ride or two in now the weather has eased. We are also going to get the last few dates sorted out for our 2011 rides in time for those new diary openings.
Happy New Year to all the Retro Riders and we look forward to seeing you out on the trails in 2011.
North West England & North Wales - Contact drystonepaul, mr_ship, Harry Crumb (North West England) mrkawasaki or Sidewinder (North Wales) for more details.
Area PoTM
Last month:
With the rest of the country apparently stricken by snow and ice, the North West region was thankfully not too badly hit. Despite the weather we managed two great rides in December, including a real sub zero winter epic on the moors above Buxton. See above photo.
This month:
A convoy of Retrobikers is primed to attend the Thetford National Event on the 23rd along with a more local ride around the Forest of Rossendale area the weekend after.
If you're in the North West and want to see what all the fuss is about then please get yourself over to the NWA regional forum and say hello!
East Midlands - Contact Orange71 or rc200ti for more details.
Area PoTM
Last month:
December: some cracking crisp evening rides. The pine trees looked like christmas trees decorated with sparkling ice and streams became frozen waterfalls in places. We had our first weekly evening ride cancellation in over 18 months as a group due to bad weather - not that we wouldn't have ridden in it, but we simply couldn't get there in our cars!! The christmas meal ride on the 21st was a great success with 7 riders and 2 extra for the meal at the curry pub. The year was seen out by a ride in Charnwood which took place instead of the cancelled Cannock Turkey Twizzler. Two rides separated by a delicious pub lunch.
This month:
January: No day routes planned as such (these tend to be more spontaneous and announced in our chat section: http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/viewto ... sc&start=0), but a night ride will take place every Tuesday in January. Details again in the East Midlands chat section.
South and West Midlands - Contact Chris or Ededwards for more details.
Area PoTM
Last month:
December in the Midlands was all about keeping the powder dry (some would insert a lame snow related gag here but in the Midlands we are a disciplined crew).
This month:
The mooted road ride on the 18th was postponed due to the combination of broken bones and icy roads, but no matter as the annual Turkey Twizzler was on the 27th, right? Wrong, as the forecast of adverse weather, coupled with the large distances some were prepared to travel, meant that we reluctantly postponed. So this month, again, consisted of local rides for local people and after -14C on Boxing Day, I will never complain of being cold on a bike again (plus I now appreciate the folly of frozen cantis and soft, crystalline snow).
Anglia & Lincolnshire - Contact Pickle or Andy B (Lincolnshire) Cannondaleking or Average Mark (Anglia) for more details.
Area PoTM
Last month:
The Alconbury Midnight Growlers (© LGF) had a pre-Christmas meet hosted by LeGrandFromage. The cold winter weather we have recently experienced promised a cracking ride but a sudden thaw threw a big spanner in the works. The frozen ground turned to bike clogging sticky clay which brought a halt to proceedings half-way across a Cambridgeshire field. Bikes ground to a stop, wheels refused to move and rear mechs were ripped off. Bikes shouldered, the group trudged across the field looking for tarmac. LGF arranged a bike wash at a local garage and handed out Mars Bars which were very welcome. The Alconbury Midnight Growlers keep on rolling!
This month:
Late December saw a small group recce the routes for the National Series round 2 at Thetford on January 23rd. The routes are fantastic with a selection of some of the sweetest natural singletrack the east has to offer. Looking forward to seeing you there.
South East England - Contact TheGreenRabbit for more details. (WTD: Deputy AEC)
Area PoTM
Last month:
In December we had one successful ride and one slightly less successful meeting for drinks. The Last Ride Before Christmas was attended by a few hardy soles who made it out through the snow. Christmas Drinks were well arranged by Da-Evo, but unfortunately due to the weather only a few made it this time.
This month:
Nothing planned as yet, but there will be a few ad-hoc rides going on so keep your eyes out on the forum!
South West England - Contact Jonnyboy666 or Heathy for more details.
Nothing to report from the South West of England.
South Wales - (WTD AEC and Deputy for South Wales area)
Please contact sinnett177 if interested.
Happy New Year and welcome to the second Retrobike Rides Newsletter.
Each month we aim to enlighten you of all the goings on around the country that have occurred in the previous month and let you know what’s going on in the coming month.
Ridebike Rides have now been going strong for many years. At first these involved a couple of dodgy looking characters in lurid lycra meeting up in the woods to ride their retro pride and joys.
But now meetings have evolved to groups of up to 40 enthusiasts meeting up to enjoy their bikes, company and trails.
In doing so a friendly atmosphere has been created and good riding manners developed, giving Retrobike Rides their unique qualities and infectious banter.
Everyone is welcome to join Retrobike Rides and everyone is made to feel welcome when they do. All abilities are catered for with the rule being we only get round as fast as the slowest person, with short cuts and chicken runs being planned into the routes.
Retrobike Rides are non competitive with the emphasis on socialising, having fun and exploring the best new trails with people who know them well.
And of course doing it all riding old bikes.
If this appeals to you, please come and join in at one of our National or Local events.

The Retrobike National Events Calendar 2010/11
With support from

Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler - Cancelled due to weather.
Rd 2 - Thetford - Jan 23rd (Sunday)
Rd 1 - Cannock Turkey Twizzler re-run - February 12th (Saturday)
Rd 3 - Forest of Dean - 14th May (Saturday)
Rd 4 - BDW - July 22-24 (Weekend, main ride Saturday)
Rd 5 - Drumlanrig - August 14th (Sunday)
Rd 6 - Mr. K's Day in the Peaks - Sept 10th (Saturday)
Rd 7 - Final Round (TBC) - Oct/Nov*
With the usual annual Retrobike attendance at:
- The Hell of North Cotswolds (Sunday April 10th 2011)
- Mountain Mayhem (Weekend of June 17th-19th 2011)
*The final round has been opened up for all regions to submit a bid to organise and host it. We’ll then post up their plans and every Retrobike member will have the opportunity to vote on the most popular idea. The event with the most votes will become the season finale for 2011.
Around the Regions
MacRetro - Contact Kaiser, The Ken, Clockworkgazz or Big Eck for more details.
Area PoTM

Last month:
Cancellation of the christmas night out due to weather. But the Dunkeld weight weenie challenge seems to be gathering pace Mikee has a working bike and ZZ is losing weight~(from the bike) no end.
This month:
Will see the 3rd annual Dunkers 'Baltic Bawbags' ride, a great meet and greeter and has had a good turnout in the past. Definitely on the social side and has the added weight weenie challenge were we are trying to build as light as bike as possible using as little cash as possible. Ingenuity and drilling are the order of the day! There may also be a wee adhoc ride squeezed in so keep a look out!
North East England & Yorkshire - Contact Dr S, chrisV40 or Kaya for more details.
Area PoTM

Last month:
Due to the coldest weather for the last 50 years in the North East there has been little riding this month. Deep snow and ice put a stop to our plans for rides in Dalby and Cannock, so like true Northerners, we went to the pub instead. Several of the Northumbrians had a night out sprinkled with good banter, Spanish food and lashings of alcoholic ginger beer.
Kaya bucked the trend though and managed to get a couple of rides in with the NWAs over the cold spell. He should be fit and well enough to coax the rest of us out next month!
This month:
We are looking forward to digging out or passports to head south for the Thetford National Series ride later in the month, and also hope to get a local ride or two in now the weather has eased. We are also going to get the last few dates sorted out for our 2011 rides in time for those new diary openings.
Happy New Year to all the Retro Riders and we look forward to seeing you out on the trails in 2011.
North West England & North Wales - Contact drystonepaul, mr_ship, Harry Crumb (North West England) mrkawasaki or Sidewinder (North Wales) for more details.
Area PoTM

Last month:
With the rest of the country apparently stricken by snow and ice, the North West region was thankfully not too badly hit. Despite the weather we managed two great rides in December, including a real sub zero winter epic on the moors above Buxton. See above photo.
This month:
A convoy of Retrobikers is primed to attend the Thetford National Event on the 23rd along with a more local ride around the Forest of Rossendale area the weekend after.
If you're in the North West and want to see what all the fuss is about then please get yourself over to the NWA regional forum and say hello!
East Midlands - Contact Orange71 or rc200ti for more details.
Area PoTM

Last month:
December: some cracking crisp evening rides. The pine trees looked like christmas trees decorated with sparkling ice and streams became frozen waterfalls in places. We had our first weekly evening ride cancellation in over 18 months as a group due to bad weather - not that we wouldn't have ridden in it, but we simply couldn't get there in our cars!! The christmas meal ride on the 21st was a great success with 7 riders and 2 extra for the meal at the curry pub. The year was seen out by a ride in Charnwood which took place instead of the cancelled Cannock Turkey Twizzler. Two rides separated by a delicious pub lunch.
This month:
January: No day routes planned as such (these tend to be more spontaneous and announced in our chat section: http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/viewto ... sc&start=0), but a night ride will take place every Tuesday in January. Details again in the East Midlands chat section.
South and West Midlands - Contact Chris or Ededwards for more details.
Area PoTM

Last month:
December in the Midlands was all about keeping the powder dry (some would insert a lame snow related gag here but in the Midlands we are a disciplined crew).
This month:
The mooted road ride on the 18th was postponed due to the combination of broken bones and icy roads, but no matter as the annual Turkey Twizzler was on the 27th, right? Wrong, as the forecast of adverse weather, coupled with the large distances some were prepared to travel, meant that we reluctantly postponed. So this month, again, consisted of local rides for local people and after -14C on Boxing Day, I will never complain of being cold on a bike again (plus I now appreciate the folly of frozen cantis and soft, crystalline snow).
Anglia & Lincolnshire - Contact Pickle or Andy B (Lincolnshire) Cannondaleking or Average Mark (Anglia) for more details.
Area PoTM

Last month:
The Alconbury Midnight Growlers (© LGF) had a pre-Christmas meet hosted by LeGrandFromage. The cold winter weather we have recently experienced promised a cracking ride but a sudden thaw threw a big spanner in the works. The frozen ground turned to bike clogging sticky clay which brought a halt to proceedings half-way across a Cambridgeshire field. Bikes ground to a stop, wheels refused to move and rear mechs were ripped off. Bikes shouldered, the group trudged across the field looking for tarmac. LGF arranged a bike wash at a local garage and handed out Mars Bars which were very welcome. The Alconbury Midnight Growlers keep on rolling!
This month:
Late December saw a small group recce the routes for the National Series round 2 at Thetford on January 23rd. The routes are fantastic with a selection of some of the sweetest natural singletrack the east has to offer. Looking forward to seeing you there.
South East England - Contact TheGreenRabbit for more details. (WTD: Deputy AEC)
Area PoTM

Last month:
In December we had one successful ride and one slightly less successful meeting for drinks. The Last Ride Before Christmas was attended by a few hardy soles who made it out through the snow. Christmas Drinks were well arranged by Da-Evo, but unfortunately due to the weather only a few made it this time.
This month:
Nothing planned as yet, but there will be a few ad-hoc rides going on so keep your eyes out on the forum!
South West England - Contact Jonnyboy666 or Heathy for more details.
Nothing to report from the South West of England.
South Wales - (WTD AEC and Deputy for South Wales area)
Please contact sinnett177 if interested.