
In mid wales today,climbed on top of a rotary coring rig about eight feet up to try to release a winch hook when the wind picked up out of nothing and nearly blew me off. h an s would have had a field day :shock:
That is what I was getting at. When you work in all weather there is enough danger to go round, you don't need to go looking for risk taking at the weekend!
wind has stopped me riding the scooter on the commute. don't like getting blown about so much, got blown over to the other side of the road earlier, luckily was a quite road, still needed new boxers after though
I just try to make the bike go the opposite way im being blown, into the wind kind of.
the bandit was much better in the wind, being on something so small and light doesn't help.
Thanks Highlands flyer, I think the worst is over for tonight ;)

Not sure I can say the same for your good lady though :oops: :facepalm: :LOL:
I can't understand why they stopped, just carry on or back out slowly is the rule. It is not as though they were being swamped.