Why so bleeding expensive......

Its actually easier than it suggests.
Hopes website has instructional vids.

Im like most. Stuck in the house and needing to get them done and finally biting the bullet and giving it a go.
Be surprised what cam be accomplished when you have no other option :LOL:
dyna-ti":konvcysm said:
Be surprised what cam be accomplished when you have no other option :LOL:
Ain't that the truth! Strict budgetary constraints applied by mein Camp Leader led me to the point where I almost enjoying fixing them as much as riding them now.

I had a brewing shop for a time. I would get people who came in to play me off against the Internet, and assuming I was somehow profiteering if I made 30%. That was paying my bills, rent, electricity, insurance.
It's not fair. A small shop has disproportionately high costs.
I haven't been in a bike shop for ages, because without meaning to sound arrogant I know more about bikes than moat of them. But if I had to, I'd not grump about the cost of the workshop.
This is it the upkeep of shops and garages these days is a serious ongoing Cost. Support the ones you want to stay as a general rule.

Spend money in the shop you want to stay open then. Quality costs.
Can you tell this is something that really pisses me off? :)
TBH, the entire spending power of RB is an utter irrelevance to the likes of Evans, Halfords and Wheelies!

Yeah, but with little shops we can make. a difference. I don't go in them because I don't know of a good one near me. The last bike shop I went in the Saturday boy basically sneered at me for asking for a 7so cassette..
All I say is support the little shops if they're good, it's pretty stressful making them work, I once worked out my hourly wage and it was laughably small ( something like £1.75 phr) I miss my shop but not the effect it had on my health.
The funny thing is, I'd love to run my own bike shop. So many of them are so bad it should be easy to knock them for six. I've no experience in this area and would love to support a good local bike shop if one existed, hence the desire to open one, but I'd have to reconcile myself to bizarre average pricing models which make no sense to me as a customer. Plus it would seem I'd never make any money despite charging £600 per hour to bleed brakes. I'd dread to think how much they'd charge for changing the pads. There's more skill, time, effort and tools/equipment required for wheel truing/building but it's much better value, and much harder to do at home (though not impossible).

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