Fancied a change of hardtail and apparently there’s lots of bargains out there, but could I see anything I fancied. No. Well actually, one did catch my eye but even at the original reduced price, the Orange P7 S still looked a bit on the pricey side for some of the spec. I could always my existing nicer parts and sell the new take off parts, so a plan was born. Checked back on Winstanley’s site in December and the bike was further reduced and in the ball park I wanted to spend. Decided to wait until after Christmas and then news of the Orange administration hit. Was torn between getting one while I could but then risk having no warranty. That discussion has played out in numerous threads, so I’ll leave that be. Couple of weeks ago, checked back and they still had the bike in stock, so I went for it. Next day dispatch turned out to take a week, but eventually it arrived safe and sound.
Popped it together and then promptly started taking it apart again.
For modern builds, I’m a SRAM guy. Not the most popular opinion in these parts but I like it and it means one lot of spares covering all my modern bikes. I had a set of nearly new GX cranks and a new GX eagle cassette and chain in the spares, so used them. I also have a set of Reserve carbon wheels that I use as xc wheels for my enduro bike. They were perfect for these and using the same cassette fitment and rotor size, means I can still easily swap them between bikes. My older bike donated One Up carbon bars, dropper and composite pedals, Guide RS brakes with 200mm rotors and GX cable mech and shifter. From the new bike I used the frame (obvs), Lyrik select 140mm fork, headset, Race face stem, WTB Volt saddle and Strange grips. I also kept the Maxxis DHF/R tyres for spares and plan to put a mud tyre of the front wheel as a spare for either bike.
Sounds great in theory right? Well fate had other plans.
Mounted the cassette to the wheel and fitted it up, but the small cog wouldn’t clear the frame. Tried my enduro bike wheel, which has the same hub annd cassette and it all cleared fine. Swapped out the drive side hub spacers and the other wheel fitted fine. Measured the spacers and they seemed the same size but looking at the marking, it looks like I’d been given a Shimano spacer rather than a XD one when I bought the carbon wheels. I do remember when I bought the wheels they swapped the freehub for me and think it must have happened then. Must be more clearance on the enduro bike as it’s never been an issue on it. Easy fix I thought, I’ll just by a set of the proper XD end caps to save issues in the future. £35!!!! ‘k me.
When taking the rear brake off the old bike, I’d to cut the hose to pull it through the infernal routing. Though it would be easier to bleed reassemble and bleed it off bike. Bad mistake. When it came to fitting it the cable was way too long as it took a shorter route long the top tube. The extra loop at the bars bugged me and I’d to trim it, add another new fitting and bleed them again. Glad I did though, it looks much better.
Next was fitting up the chain and mech. Followed SRAM guideline for chain length, fitted it all and it was too long and sagging. Had to remove two full links the get it right. Was getting frustrated by this point and then battled to thread anew cable through the shifter. It started to fray, needed cut and still didn’t want to go through the routing. Eventually got it done and tightened and the cable crushed at the pinch bolt. Somewhere during this a cable cap had popped out of a housing and when I went to change gear nothing happened. Thus commenced a battle of tension swinging from too much to too little. Just couldn’t get it indexed nicely over the whole block. Eventuality gave up and did the only sensible thing. I went online and ordered a new AXS mech and shifter. Other modern bikes are already AXS, so luckily didn’t need battery or charger, which kept the cost down slightly. Came yesterday and fitted this morning. Took less than 5 minutes to set up and get working perfectly.
Last job was to fit the new saddle and grips. So in the end I spent a bit more than planned but the end result is stunning. I am also left with a pile of new taken off parts to sell, which might recover the cost of the AXS bits.