Why do you 'do' Retrobikes?

My bike was cutting edge when I bought it, it's only retro because I'm old now :(

The newfangled stuff is too expensive for my 3 kid average wage lifestyle as I am addicted to quality and can only afford average now - that is sad really.
Personally I'm into them because they seem to have more character, and are more individual, than modern bikes. That's not to say there aren't some unique modern bikes with character, it's just most modern bikes are cookie-cutter designs (ie most come out of a handful of factories in Taiwan and are just re-badged according to whoever orders them).
I'm a bit jaded by the sameness of modern riding, and all the cliques

I'm a mountain biker, I just want to ride.

Also a few mates have got into riding recently, and trying to skitter down something on a 20yo rigid bike with brakes that sometimes work brings may skill level back closer to theirs.

I have fond memories of BITD, with the world in various states of shit, its nice to go to my den, and just be happy, or take one of them out into the forest and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist
I'm into Retro everything really, classic cars etc, when i got back into cycling Retro bikes seemed natural.
Do you know, I never even considered the word retro until I ended up here. My bikes were just, well, my bikes. It was only when I went to a shop to get a spare part or two and the mechanic laughed and suggested I open a museum, that I considered the word.
That mechanic pointed me here (where I got the parts) and the rest is history.
I suppose I ride retro as I have never really needed anything else. I read MBUK back when it was full of useful tips such as prejumping. To those 'new' to the game, this is where the rider avoids flying off a jump by doing a small (managable) jump prior to the actual ramp. This basically flattens the whole process speeding that section up considerably.
As I tell my son, the only time my wheels leave the ground is when I put the bike in the back of the car! Wheels are afterall, round and therefore designed to roll ALONG the ground.

Having said that, now I'm back in gainfull employment, I'm again considering a loaded Giant Anthem just to see what all the fuss is about. II have never ridden discs or full bounce EVER and I'm curious.
I don't buy old bikes because I'm here, on Retrobike.

I'm on Retrobike because i have a load of old bikes and need sdvice on how to maintain them ;)

Although I confess the collection has grown since I signed up :roll:

Plus, as has been said before - they're just better innit. :D

Had a full bounce 4/5 years ago but got shot of it PDQ as it just didn't suit my routes. Even bought a brand new Dawes hardtail 4 years ago - its gone now too :LOL:

Does anyone else think Pace RC35s have too much travel?
