Why did you pick your username?

Well, my name is Matthias, but that username was always already taken by some other idiot with lacking imagination who created the account, made a few posts and then never came back. :rolleyes:

My little sister used to call me "thias" when she was learning to speak. The Ma-part maybe was too close to mama? She kept using it like that. My wife picked it up from her, too. And it was frequently available in the forums. So there you go.
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I've had mine since i was 9 years young and Adam Craven called me it at school for the first time due to the hairiness of my legs and arms. Funny though as he was a young hair bloomer too. It kind of stuck, especially when i took up rock climbing as a svelte teen. Plus ive been called worse so i quite like it.
I was lazy and used the same username as my eBay account:
27 = age I was at the time I created my eBay account
Motorhead = favourite band that I started listening to aged 11 after buying a Motörhead vest when on holiday in France. I still have to this day and my 8 year old wore it to school the other week as they had to dress up as rock stars! :cool:
It’s a good album. Ahead of their time with remanufacture too.

Saw them in Glasgow as a student. Got the sh1t knocked out of me but back then they threw a hardcore gig so 🤷🏼‍♂️
Yeah, it was quite face-shredding for someone who mainly listened to G n'R before-way ahead of their time, still brutal & fresh after all those years🤘
Mine is actually mountain biking related. BITD when I rode dirt exclusively my best / main riding buddy gave me the nickname "dirttorpedo" after one of my better endos. My other favorite forum names tend to get picked and nobody to date has picked this one so there you go.
It's actually pretty amazing how thoroughly this thread has taken off!

Now I'm too afraid to change mine.

I won't have a good story.

"Er, yeah, I didn't like my last one and this sounded better to me at the time, even though it's not."
I’m just surprised it hasn’t been done several times before. Still - at least we’ve all learned a little more about each other. The key takeaway for me from this thread, however, has been that most of us seem to be heavily into pets. Mainly black pets, come to think of it.

Maybe we need to get a sister thread running. Pets of retrobike..

Petrobike 😊