Many moons ago, upon return from a night out, I, in a highly intoxicated state, passed out on a mates sofa. They decided it would be funny to play a game of 'pissed bloke buckeroo'. The items being placed upon me became increasingly ridiculous and I apparently was woken more than a few times, getting more agitated with each. They obviously found this highly amusing, so carried on. Eventually I snapped and said something along the lines of 'If you don't f****** leave me alone, I'm gonna cut your f****** foreskin off with those scissors'. Within seconds I was christened 'Benjabbi the Rabbi'. I woke up the next morning with no knowledge of any of this, but the name bloody stuck, at least for a few years, although shortened to just 'Jabbi' in the end. When I signed up to this place it was the first variation I typed that it would let me have and ended up as my username on quite a few sites for the same reason.