Who Still Rides Retrobikes

I don't know if I'd know what to do with a modern machine, we only have retro. My ride is a 1998 Clockwork, thanks to Ringo, which should see more action than it does. My other half rides retro road normally but is stuck with my son's GT Chucker until we get him back on the road with a decent ride, and, when I've built it, his MTB will be the 1996 Orange P7 I have on the go.

I wouldn't be caught dead on a Retrobike.

You lot never heard of cheap far-east carbon 'me too' bikes?

They're ace!

al. :D
I think it takes all sorts to make up a past time. Some are restorers and museum keepers, some are slap it together and get out there types, some are still riding bikes they have had from new or replacements for old friends past. Whatever floats your boat.

My preference is for building up hand made British frames, I have a little collection now and each and every one of them has been built to ride. At the British Steel ride back in what laughingly passed for a summer in the UK, I was warned that the paint on my bike might get chipped... so, it's only paint.

Buy em, build em, polish em or ride em, it doesn't matter as long as you enjoy them.
al":55ep1vzw said:
I wouldn't be caught dead on a Retrobike.

You lot never heard of cheap far-east carbon 'me too' bikes?

They're ace!

al. :D

You mean, "Awesome"... obviously

That'll do Pig. That'll do.

Only ever retro. Took my massive brake levers for an oomsca-tastic ride in today's deadly weather. And survived.

There were plenty of people who didn't want to get their brand-new trick bits muddy in the mid-90s too - remember?
And anyway, if someone wants to hang their bike on the wall, they're only delaying the inevitable. Eventually, they'll get bored of looking at it, and sell it to someone who'll take it out for a damn good thrashing, like it was meant for. :twisted:
I don't make a clear retro/non-retro distinction. I just have bikes, I try and make each one a little different from the others and it happens that some are older than others. I love the acquisition and build process, but ultimately they're all for riding.
I commute during the week on a sacrificial retro steed but at the weekend I mostly ride modern :oops: the old Dire Mountain does come out to play if the the weather is sunny though :D
still riding!


from wednesday last week.