Who’s riding road bikes these days?

we already are generating tons of plastic waste with them, often before they leave the factory but as you said, no one seems to want to buy them second hand.

Nowt wrong with lycra, although I do wish they wouldn't sell team kits in XXXL. having said that, I sort of wish they wouldn't sell team kits at all, especially with euro or world champion strips on, you should only get to wear those if you've actually won them in my view.

the benefit of lycra for me isn't the aero advantage (my belly negates that) but the fact it drys quick in the wet and doesn't turn to fibres when dragged down the road (ever picked cotton out of a road rash?). at 12 stone on a good day I'm not especially overweight but I'm not a little whippet either, once on the bike, no one can see my package and I rarely get off once I'm, on a ride, so screw it, I wear it and I'll continue to do so till I think it's not worth it anymore.
For many women, Lycra is too revealing: if they’re a bit self-conscious about how they look, figure-hugging Lycra is not the way forward, especially if middle-aged guys have lecherous eyes or make lecherous comments.

I can't possibly imagine what you're talking about. Oh, wait...

A quarter women sounds about right. If there were any more, I'd have to ride with blinkers so as not to get distracted by all the tight lycra 😍

...maybe I should stop approaching the female segment with "Nice rack!" pickup lines though 🤔
I wear lycra because it's comfortable and I don't like clothing flapping around. I've worn it or similar since I cadged an pair of early 'skin' shorts from a member of the DDR Milk Race team the first year they wore them. They were just a synthetic/elastane copy of the ages old basic design woollen shorts everybody wore at the time - no multi panels, no anatomic design - but they were so much more comfortable than my other shorts. They didn't soak up a couple of gallons of water when it rained either.
There's minimal carbon on my Colnago and it's not looked down on the rare* occasions when I ride in a group - well nothing is said to my face anyway - and it's not unusual for it to receive complements from other riders although they are generally of around the same age as myself.
* rare because the incessant pings and bleeps from GPS and computers get on my wick.

ok, fair point, understand.

Going back to Lycra .... its not just about looking good, its designed to fulfill a purpose. So, compared to say cotton baggies, it dries quicker when wet, is more aerodynamic - this might not matter when pootling around, but even if on tour, a 50 mile headwind is made easier with closer fitting gear. And the shape of lycra shorts lend themselves to be able to have a better fitting chammy inserted. the problem with it, is the really cheap stuff where the thinner material mean shorts maybe reveal too much and jerseys hang to the knees.

An it's about where its worn. So wearing it where leisure clothes are worn in the country is fine. Walking round Tesco, it looks a bit daft.

The whole lycra thing reminds me of a work mate who was doing a weekend charity ride 100 miles each way on the saturday, returning on sunday. Whilst he was a fairly experienced cyclist, he had this problem with people who had to have the gear. On the friday, he said to me, i'm riding with no fancy gear, just normal shorts and pants and a low-rent bike to prove you dont have to look like a pro. Come monday, i asked him how it went. He openly admitted, he couldnt ride back on sunday as his arse was ripped to shreds.
you're doing it wrong then.

the only bit i dont like is the fact that every manufacturer has his own standards which constantly change and what you buy today is quickly obsolete... and expensive. Thankfully forums like this keep me going in replacement parts

As a mate said some time ago .... its not what bike you ride, its about who you ride with and where you ride

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