Who’s riding road bikes these days?

Closed roads are well worth paying for imho. It's a privilege. And closing them is getting more and more expensive apparently, hence the rise in cheaper gravel events.

Paying for open roads - no idea why you'd do it, unless it was on very quiet backroads in the middle of nowhere, a small fee, money mainly going to charity, well stocked food stops.
Chap next to my parents ex plumber ran sportives during the sky boom, is now back to plumbing as the sportive market became over cooked.

Too many events not enough riders.

Esp the lesser known ones.... Fred Witton / sky ride etc will always sell out.
Aren't most/all sportives a money making exercise?!?
I don't want to ride the same route as a load of other riders at the same time as them, it has no appeal for me. All for a medal to prove you did it?
Loads of people are cycling but not in the same way they did 30 - 40 years ago or more. Probably because roads are much much busier.
I ride more on road these days than off, mainly because of time restraints and all my immediate access to off road is all straight green lanes/farm tracks.
My 15yr old @JimBobBurt rides more off road, I think mainly because that’s what his mates do, also he doesn’t feel comfortable being shouted at or aggressively driven at by fully grown adults in motor vehicles.
I blame the hate on the Daily Mail, The Express, Facebook/social media, Nigel Farage, Jeremy Clarkson, Brexit (everything and everyone who can’t have a reasonable discussion and has to take their opinions to the extreme) etc etc
Oh and now that twat Grant Shapps pandering to the mindless Tory voting angry white dickheads.

Getting back to the riding question, I mainly ride with two local social groups and tend to choose which posted ride suits me on a given day.
But one group is all male, rides a minimum of 50miles all on mid to top bikes, nothing more than 3 years old with a spattering of Di2, carbon, dampened headsets, aero etc etc.
I’m sure they only tolerate my 2005 bike because A, it has a full SuperRecord 11 group (albeit an old 2nd hand 2015 set) and B, I make them laugh.
The other group rides a maximum of 50 miles, has a wider range of ages and all sexes and really is quite happy if one turns up on an 80’s steel RetroBike.
The only thing that bothers me is neither care anything about bikes, they not remotely interested in either the history or about components. The only bike related conversation they have is about the cost of the latest tech or clothing (ie the consumer side of the hobby)
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last one I went on in 2019 was all shouting and Garmin beeps

the whole point was that it wasnt competitive but heck, it was and very off putting

no-one wanted to talk bicycles or even chat which I found very sad

When they clunk and squeak by whilst I'm out on my own, all I hear is a badly serviced expensive bike, but at least I get a nod or a wave.
Paying for open roads - no idea why you'd do it, unless it was on very quiet backroads in the middle of nowhere, a small fee, money mainly going to charity, well stocked food stops.
^^ it was all of this on Saturday, a buffet lunch and hot food included at the end.
The rest of the crowd is either not up for chatting or give you a blank hundred mile stare once you start talking bikes.
neither care anything about bikes, they not remotely interested in either the history or about components
no-one wanted to talk bicycles or even chat which I found very sad

There's a pattern here. And I thought maybe the problem was in my lack of charisma. But I think it's genuine lack of interest in the concept of the bicycle from general population.

...maybe I should stop approaching the female segment with "Nice rack!" pickup lines though 🤔

dampened headsets
Will have to google what that is.
I ride road a fair amount and I’d never pay to ride my bike. I’d rather put that £40 in the car in fuel and ride new places.
Yep, that's my take on it too.

Suppose we are blessed, as the peak district is on the door step. Technically, i can walk to the edge of the Peaks.

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