Where else to sell?

My father in law has recently died, a former toolmaker with many hobbies and interests, and an avid collector, it's been quite a challenge to clear everything that mother in law wanted shot of. In addition I have also been conducting my own clear out.
I have used a combination of eBay, Facebook, Gumtree, cycle jumble and auction house.
It's costly but a good auction house with a strong online presence is definitely the easiest option.
I'm lucky to have a good one three miles away, but once you've delivered, or had collected, the items it's just wait for the bank account to be credited. 20% of selling price, plus listing fee, insurance and vat certainly bite hard, but so simple.
I've struggled with mental health (don't worry not a mental health post as we all have our own unique obstacles) and I have been acquiring bikes (mostly of non expensive varieties but good old standard bangers) Ive also now been learning to just let go of bicycles and focus on the riding. The sheer energy needed to look through your hoard, fleet or whatever you call it and try to decide which one to ride will burn more energy than getting out for a good ride. Crazy but when you let the bikes go your mind will clear along with your garage. We are only as happy as the ride we are on not the one we can't work out which bike to use. I also hope your bikes are ridden and you ride as well with peace by your pedals 🤘
I said a few years ago that I would really thin out my bicycles and related stuff by the age of 70.
I've only got 2 years to go now:- "How's it going?" the answer is "Not very well".
The main problem is that stuff is not selling well and there is loads of good stuff around that's a heck of a lot cheaper than it was a few years ago - hence the hoarder in me finds it hard not to buy "a bargain".
I need a major cerebral reset to realise that prices have changed so much that I will not get anywhere near to my costs back.
Mind you - without getting political - we might all end up on two wheels when the Labour Party tax the hell out of us!
My personsl take on such things is...

Its an issue of just how motivated you are. If your very motivated to move on, your not going to worry too much about not getting "value". You just want to move on..its more important than the cash.

So if im hoarding it still, i would say, Im probably not that motivated to let it go and move on.

Ive got a load of original speed triple parts, mostly removed from a new bike back in 07. I can't seem to shift them...they have a value, but I just want them gone....so there's now a couple of hundred quids worth of parts awaiting a tip run.

Tbh, its the same with all the bike parts ive sold over the last 5 years....having them was making me feel bad and stopping me from focusing on what i wanted to really do. So I sold it all...pretty cheap...I could have got way more, but im also happy its gone...and most gone to people who will get something from it on this forum. Even more happy.

Plus....People are stretched...I know I am! So I'm not buying everyone else's crap...so why would they buy mine!🤣
Also, placing a finite value on a part or bike based on what you paid for it, is slightly flawed thinking and will cause you nothing but pain.

If you had a bike or parts and used them for 3 years, what value are you allowing for that enjoyment and use? 10%.....40%.....90%?

I don't know, but getting anything back financially is a win compared with say a hobby of smoking 🤣. Try to look at the benefit you had as the greater part of the value and be happy that you got a return after such a nice experience.....what's not to love there?
I'm sure this is a joke, but likely everyone has a story about a sadly deceased relative who left them with a huge disposal job after they passed. I intend to start winding down the hoard - and not just of bikes from the age of 55 (2 and a large bits years from now). I collected this crap, and derived joy from doing so - and will find satisfaction in seeing it find a good home and others enjoy it - even if as is likely, I don't make my money back. In my experience, everything sells for the right price, even if I have to give it away for free. I gave away a nice historic piece to the cycle museum for example, and have helped plenty of locals get mobile with a bike.

Swedish death cleaning is worth reading up upon.

I now need to convince the missus who genuinely has a far bigger problem than I have - both in size of hoard and emotional attachment.
There is a lot to be said for easing the burden for those whom you leave behind.
My personsl take on such things is...

Its an issue of just how motivated you are. If your very motivated to move on, your not going to worry too much about not getting "value". You just want to move on..its more important than the cash.

So if im hoarding it still, i would say, Im probably not that motivated to let it go and move on.

Ive got a load of original speed triple parts, mostly removed from a new bike back in 07. I can't seem to shift them...they have a value, but I just want them gone....so there's now a couple of hundred quids worth of parts awaiting a tip run.

Tbh, its the same with all the bike parts ive sold over the last 5 years....having them was making me feel bad and stopping me from focusing on what i wanted to really do. So I sold it all...pretty cheap...I could have got way more, but im also happy its gone...and most gone to people who will get something from it on this forum. Even more happy.

Plus....People are stretched...I know I am! So I'm not buying everyone else's crap...so why would they buy mine!🤣

Truth in this. BITD when somebody said "I'm giving up", first question was a from a vulture asking "are you selling those uber light XXX wheels? - I'll give you £40 for them".

Please don't take to the tip though. I donated about 5 skinny road tyres in very good condition, umpteen new skinny and used innertubes, bottle cages, handlebars, seat-posts, to the local bike charity today. They were grateful and eventually will help get a cheap bike up and running for someone. Some of the bikes I saw donated had perhaps been used three or four times and purchased during Covid.

I have no issue with accepting what the actual market value is. For sure when you've ploughed money into a stash hoarding something, and it's fell on it's arse it takes sometime to re-adjust. Personally I'm probably about 70% there now on the clear-out; what I want to use today and keep for spares tomorrow is how I'm going about it. I also find trying frame sets out more interesting rather than the mass of available parts to choose from that we have at the moment.

Anyone reading this want to buy NOS front derailleurs though? I'm sure they have been breeding in the attic amongst themselves :LOL: