When is a Manitou frame not a Manitou frame...

After contacting him voicing my concern as to whether or not it was a manitou frame and not a marin instead and that it appeared he was aware of these facts and was keeping quite about other voiced concerns and that the truth would probably come out and it would only cost him money.

He thanked me for my concern then told me to sod off.

Now,should i send him another email and rub a little salt in? :twisted: :twisted:
dyna-ti":2c4fzcou said:
After contacting him voicing my concern as to whether or not it was a manitou frame and not a marin instead and that it appeared he was aware of these facts and was keeping quite about other voiced concerns and that the truth would probably come out and it would only cost him money.

He thanked me for my concern then told me to sod off.

Now,should i send him another email and rub a little salt in? :twisted: :twisted:

somehow, I don't think his type cares all that much...rubbing salt on a salt individual doesn't seem to do very much :?
As he's now acknowledged it as Marin you could maybe give the guy the benefit of the doubt over the first listing. But then you've got to remember about the ludicrous "question" he asked himself, and the numerous "sod off"s and "get a life"s and so there's not much sympathy for the original auction's plight.
How interesting that this time he has listed as a private auction to make the shill bidders harder to spot.

Last one was obviously never going to be a sale, bidding ended 4 hours before the auction did, to allow a genuine bidder to win the auction rather than one of his 2 mates / false ids.
New question.

Q: hello Its a manitou suspension frame made in 1991. see back issues of mbuk. I know trust me I remember it as I couldnt afford it at the time. Tjhey ran an article on it. Sad that I am such a geek I know but it is manitou and super rare. Go to mountain biking uk and get details as will increase your value no end. 18-Aug-09
A: hi thanks for that. i thought it was, but a load of people from RETROBIKE.COM thought it was a marin and placed false bids on it and refused to pay. so this caused me a load of greef and up set as im trying to raise money for something urgent. so what ever people think it is i ask them to bid accordingly. thanks agai

Someone want to give him this link, pages 14/15 goes across two pages, that it the bike. 1994 Marin FRS.

http://www.retrobike.co.uk/gallery2/mai ... 7fa25f41c0
He knows it's a Marin, he's asking himself these bullshit questions to try and add credibility to his fraudulent listing. Another forum member has admitted to shill bidding this guys auctions!

So some mug will buy it and tell all his friends he bought a Manitou and they won't care, so he'll end up on here going 'ooh, look what I bought. tell me how I should build it...'