When all the car have died.....

;) Get wet and sweaty eh? Shock horror...skin is waterproof...even if your goretex isnt,..and sweaty?? Hmmm....could be your body's natural temperature control in action- nothing to be worried about, it's perfectly normal...it just so happens many people have forgotten how or why their body works and seems hell bent on disguising normal human activity withever weider smells, potions, coverings... :? :? [/quote]
Stick Legs":1b0u0efe said:
Interesting debate, slightly 'oroboros-y' but interesting.

I am not a 'beliver' when it comes to global warming, and please no one try to shout me down, I just think there is more to it, you are welcome to your opinion, as I am to mine.

I am however a huge fan of RESOURCE CONSERVATION. Anything new, regardless of it's efficiency is always blighted by its construction and distribution costs. I hate waste, on the subject of cars, imagine how much greener the world would be if everyone kept their car for 10 years and maintained it properly, rather than buying a new one every 3 years or so. That would save a lot of 'non combustion' emmisions from the motoring sector. I could have bought a new BMW 130i, in fact I nearly did. Instead, because it is also a passion of mine, I have bought a 1986 BMW 528i. This car could have been scrapped. Very little of it is recyclable due to the nature of it's construction.
It runs on normal Unleaded petrol. It returns 29mpg (Guildford to Taunton to Canvey Island on one tank) and it already exists.

Before people try to chastise the motorist they must think, when did I last change something before it was worn out (and I don't meant a little problem that could be overcome) I mean worn out.

I buy quality goods, my Sony TV was ex demo, 7 years ago, it still works, the speakers were a bit crackly so I went to a TV reapir shop, they had some out of a broken Sony. I fitted them and it works. The TV is not worn out.

Carbon off setting (awful phrase but I thought I'd capture the Zeitgeist) means more than just 'buying trees'. It means if I want to drive my 528i rather than take the train then I will put up with a fridge freezer with the door handle super glued on rather than replace it. The fridge freezer gives me a lot of miles driving in terms of 'eco credits'.

Food for though?

Thanks for listening to my $0.02. ;)

Stick legs, I'm kind off with you.

Even if global warming is legitimate (I'm a fence sitter - yet to be convinced 100% either way), I'm not convinced it will be a severe as everyone is harking on about. Every week there is another prediction on sea level rises and they vary incredibly - from less than a metre by 2050 to 7 metres in less than that time...

Irrespective, I believe we should be doing everything we can to conserve resources and limit pollution. Not just from a environmental point of view too, the countries that don't get their act together are going to be in a world of hurt as resources diminish.
Climate change is cyclical and that there have been many hot and cold periods in the earths history. Oceans rise and oceans fall, tectonic plates move and earthquakes destroy cities or condemn large areas of land to sink into the sea, bugger all we can do about it. Best just go out and ride in the hills before they're all under water.
typhoon":1tvbll06 said:
;) Get wet and sweaty eh? Shock horror...skin is waterproof...even if your goretex isnt,..and sweaty?? Hmmm....could be your body's natural temperature control in action- nothing to be worried about, it's perfectly normal...it just so happens many people have forgotten how or why their body works and seems hell bent on disguising normal human activity withever weider smells, potions, coverings... :? :?

Yes true, but people find B.O. repulsive so why should anyone feel the right to impose that?
Davey":32uaa5m1 said:
Yes true, but people find B.O. repulsive so why should anyone feel the right to impose that?

I'm giving you two choices today.

1. Today I'm going to expose you to toxins that in the short term have been proven to cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat; lightheadedness; headache; fatigue; dizziness; visual disturbances; difficulty concentrating; feeling of being “drunkâ€