What's going on here then? RD-M953


Senior Retro Guru
Bought this off eBay the other day and it arrived today. In my experience, a mech always snaps 'shut' under its spring, however this one is the opposite and snaps 'open'. Hopefully the picture shows what I mean.

Is this the infamous Rapid Rise? If so, why is it so hated? And does this now mean my shifters are effectively going to be shifting back to front (i.e. thumbs to come down the gears, index finger to move up them)?
yep - rapid rise- shifters work in reverse.

you should be able to readjust even if you have more than one bike.
Hmm, not sure how I feel about this! In the process of building something up just now so might hang on to it and see if i can get my head around it. 'They' seem to say that it is better for off-road riding, since the rapid sprung movement takes you to the low gears. Not sure how much I'm convinced by that, suppose the proof will be in the trying it.
They're especially fun if the cable to the rear mech snaps. You have granny gear and 1 slightly higher one (the middle chainring) ... and that's it really.
A year or so ago I had to do 12 miles like that, with only a 24:32 and 32:32 gear ratios. You really don't want to use the big-big due to chain and mech wear, and 42:32 still isn't much of a gear if you want to get anywhere quick.

I can instantly adapt to having the brakes the wrong way around. In fact I barely even notice it. However don't give me a bike with a rapid rise mech, because after 200ft I'll already have to fight the urge to just throw the entire thing in the nearest canal.
Having pushed rapid-rise for a decade, Shimano have now withdrawn it, which probably tells us what we need to know - many people swear by it, but a greater number swear about it.

Presumably they decided that, whatever they themselves may think, having heroically contributed for so long to the rise in popularity/sales of SRAM high-end drive trains, it was time to do themselves a favour and not the opposition.
I'll gladly take it of your hands if you don't like RR, OP!
Nah just kidding, already own one, Gripshifters with RR feels pretty natural, IMO.
Rapid Rise is ace and I'd have it now if it were available. Don't see what all the fuss is about with the shifting as it mimics the front shifter i.e. bottom lever makes it harder, top lever makes it easier. Simple.
People don't like the change and don't want to adapt to new ways... If there us a way they new before hand.

They'll ridicule it and the media latch on helping spread and make people minds up for them with the ridicule.
Give somebody who doesn't mind or has never really got used to another style and they are perfectly happy and find the opposite of going back to the original stuff.
Same thing happens in the computer word.
From a technical standpoint RR is better for shifting and durability.

But the media and unwillingness/resistance to change killed it off. The flappy paddle shifters that were "designed" to work with them weren't well received as they tied you into shimano brakes.

Personally I didn't mind the shifters, and will avoid 10 speed as long as I can, basically, while I can still get 9 speed XTR RR mechs.

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