What would you do?

If you've never used tubs before and decide to go that route, dry mount the tubs and keep them inflated for a week or so to stretch them before fixing them to the rims when you do fix them use the tub tape. There's something of a technique required to mount a tub and even if you know it the first time you mount a tub with glue you'll end up with it all over your hands, the tub side walls and the braking surfaces of the rim. And most likely on the floor and walls too, so don't try it inside the house if you value your life, I still remember the bollockings I used to get from my mother whenever I got Dunlop rubber solution or Clement Gutta on a floor or worse - on a carpet. Though I did mount a few tubs with shellac for track riders when I worked in a bike shop I never used the stuff on my own wheels because the process was too long-winded (like days) for me.