what would you do if your boss still hasn't paid you

tell him your more than happy to talk about salary..as soon as you recieve some

I normally find when a company is juggling things around like that then something is dodgy and they rarely last much longer.

if you get a new job chances are he will likely stiff you on anything he owes so don't get stressed but get to the small claims court quicksmart..it' cheap to do.get it started real quick with facts of dates time and hours with proof of money owed

or take him outside and get your moneys worth :D
Been waiting 5 months for payment for extra work here and waiting over 2 years for payment for extra work at the building over the road.......the list goes on :(

Hope yours gets sorted :)

cannondale king":23m9iup1 said:
Got to the office an hour ago asked him about wages hes not done it yet this is turning into a disaster zone and I'm getting annoyed now and too top it off he wants chat about salary before I go

I've got an interview coming coming up very soon fingers crossed i get it as theres other problems here too :evil:

That does not sound good and a sure fire indication your work is experiencing financial problems, but a contract is a contract, I believe your employer is legally obliged to pay you for the work done under contract.

Get thee to the CAB asap and start battening down the hatches, the writing is on the wall.
silverclaws":2xs8bhuq said:
cannondale king":2xs8bhuq said:
Got to the office an hour ago asked him about wages hes not done it yet this is turning into a disaster zone and I'm getting annoyed now and too top it off he wants chat about salary before I go

I've got an interview coming coming up very soon fingers crossed i get it as theres other problems here too :evil:

That does not sound good and a sure fire indication your work is experiencing financial problems, but a contract is a contract, I believe your employer is legally obliged to pay you for the work done under contract.

Get thee to the CAB asap and start battening down the hatches, the writing is on the wall.

not going under any time soon too many mutli million contracts going on at mo and there are only 6 of us employed its more he's too busy to transfer wages as he's got too many reports to write for clients (were a marine environmental survey company) turns out he's just a little bit busy he'll do it later on (the longest it has taken is 18 days to get paid as he was on holiday and didn't do it before he left) i cant wait now gonna scan a load of doc's and my passport drivers licence for the company iv'e got and interview with as i think iv'e got it the job already if there asking for those details :D
cannondale king":297wshbq said:
silverclaws":297wshbq said:
cannondale king":297wshbq said:
Got to the office an hour ago asked him about wages hes not done it yet this is turning into a disaster zone and I'm getting annoyed now and too top it off he wants chat about salary before I go

I've got an interview coming coming up very soon fingers crossed i get it as theres other problems here too :evil:

That does not sound good and a sure fire indication your work is experiencing financial problems, but a contract is a contract, I believe your employer is legally obliged to pay you for the work done under contract.

Get thee to the CAB asap and start battening down the hatches, the writing is on the wall.

not going under any time soon too many mutli million contracts going on at mo and there are only 6 of us employed its more he's too busy to transfer wages as he's got too many reports to write for clients (were a marine environmental survey company) turns out he's just a little bit busy he'll do it later on (the longest it has taken is 18 days to get paid as he was on holiday and didn't do it before he left) i cant wait now gonna scan a load of doc's and my passport drivers licence for the company iv'e got and interview with as i think iv'e got it the job already if there asking for those details :D

Best get out of there mate , pretty poor show especially if you have a mortgage , council tax , etc etc , i wonder if hes paid the other employees ?
If there is about only 6 of you and multi million pound contracts he's not going to take to kindly to you leaving ..so..before you announce your departure..fingers crossed for you..imagine nothing will be avaliable to you the minute you you tell him

so get all the documentation you need, certificates that the office holds, updates etc
im in the mood for hitting some one in management right now so if he needs a slap..ill belt im with a 200gs chainset..
No one else has been paid poor show from him iv'e got all my doc's ;)his fault im leaving when i do he'll have no engineer or anyone running the warehouse or doing the running round getting things the certs done for the equipment and how to get a rush on them :roll:
If there are only six of you, get together and go out on your own. Take a few of your existing clients with you. Will get his attention!