What puts you off a bike/frame?


Gold Trader
Do you have one thing that you find puts you off a frame/bike except cost or condition. Such as colour, design, frame material,manufacturer etc etc.

From a looks point of view I wouldn't buy a frame with a long head tube, just find them very ugly and gate looking
(sorry for any offence :D )

Anyone got a pet hate?
Honestly, the look.
You wouldn't want to ride something ugly (unless you where drunk ;)).

That's not a specific thing, I but an over all thing.

Some of these modern BMX come Motorbikes just don't look right.
Or very steep sloping toptubes are just big BMX's and look silly.

But if they are like that and can make it look nice overall then possibly I would borrow one...
Simple, just 3 things that put me off:-

1. disc brakes
2. long front suspension forks and rear frame suspension
3. all the latest bike's is in black colour, how boring and dull!

Put them 3 together and you will have a motobike looking bike! :LOL:

Bring back the ano colours please and keep the bike's simple and tidy
Long headtubes do nothing for me, or buying stuff just because it's a boutique brand even though it don't work as well as 'common' stuff.
ps very long stems put me off......look ya bikes the wrong size damnit,,,just get a bigger one and stop using scaffolding poles.