As an aside could you offer more tips on finding places to ride like this? I have walked in the country on and off for years and only just taken up cycling again and not really thought how I would find off roading routes other than the obvious bridlepaths and walkers get annoyed if you ride of footpaths don't they?
I generally have just been keeping to quiet single track country roads with the odd spontaneous diversion down maybe an old green road to see where it may go and thinking it would be cool to find some more proper off roading.
I don't want the body rattling down hill slaloms that modern mountain biking seems to be nowadays though. In the 90s I went on a couple of group rides - ironically not many there either as I seem to recall they were snobby too lol, but I think in that case more about my lack of fitness and being able to keep up as one boy was a pro rider of the little village - and that was in mid wales with a good range of road, forestry and some of what I guess is called 'single track'?
I had just presumed that the bike would limit the accessibility to truly remote places compared to being on foot. The new bike does have the benefit of being far lighter than the previous so I could do some 'cyclocross' but I do not have any waterproof cycling shoes for that and no way I want to ride in my huge walking boots!