What guitar do you play, and what would you like instead?

mass199":27douok9 said:
All hail Buckethead the most amazing guitarist ever.

Can't agree. He has to be one of the best looking though.

Once you are talking about a certain level of playing, it is a case of your personal taste rather than some arbitrary hierarchy of who's better who's best.

I appreciate all styles, but I tend to those who can write something musical rather than just play ten thousand notes a minute.

renaldo":ukv66udr said:
My lefty Rick 8) Was a nightmare to find one, but well worth it - its probably my favourite thing I own :D


Also have a US Deluxe Strat and a Korean Epi Les Paul which I love, and a Simon & Patrick SP6.
I'd love an Epi Casino and a high end acoustic like a Martin or L'arivee...

I'm with you on the lefty , defo less choice :evil:
Aria Pro II RS series on a 1964 Non-top boost AC30 gives a few noise level problems when shacked up with a woman with hypersensitive hearing . So mostly I play a Prudencio Saez PS 8 classical.
Electrically I play an Ibanez RG7620 and I would very much like a Washburn N4, or an N7 but I think I'd rather have the N4 to start off with.

Acoustically I have a Faith Neptune Trembesi and I would quite like one of the Gordon Giltrap signature 12-strings.

Bass wise I play an Ibanez GT series 5 string and I would like a Marcus Miller 5 jazz bass...
Forgot to say what I'd like instead.

Actually am so happy with my classical guitar I'd be scared to change it. It's got a wonderful tone. So am leaving as is.

The Aria is a bit too harsh and lacking in sustain - plus it needs a lot of work doing on it. So something like a mid-80s Yamaha SG or a Gibson SG if I could choose only one.
theredchili":2thhftqc said:
I'm with you on the lefty , defo less choice :evil:

Yep. My other favourite lefty gripe is that a lot of the shops near me won't to set-up work unless you bought the guitar there, even when you point out that they don't sell any lefties so I couldn't have bought from them even if I wanted to. So they turn away business...

On the plus side it led me to finding an independent guy that actually sets a guitar up how I ask for it, not how he thinks it should be.
My favourite is easily my Gibson Les Paul in Honey Burst. They'll have to claw that guitar out of my cold, dead hands.
I've got a Diamond anniversary Stratocaster.

The only guitar I'd REALLY love to own would be the Schecter ZV Mirror in lefty.


They cut the glass and then put it onto the guitar and put it in a hot room and let it crack. It makes every guitar unique.

Also as far as I know all of the Diamond series Schecters are made in the US still.