What do you hate seeing on a gorgeous retro bike?

Yes, but I'm not speaking against people who do certain things, I'm speaking about my turnoff points on a bike I see...

My morbid curiosity is being pampered tho..... :twisted:

4 arm cranks
Cheap modern bits
DIY frame modifications
Grip shift
My retro build is prolly going to start out as quite offensive to start off with, but it will get better. I won that daewoo frame karma raffle the other day and I'm passing it a mate as he got knocked off his bike by a car that just drove off. He's just as skint as I am so having to build it up using what he has left off his bike. That will be really offensive. Nasty shimano gripshift thingies (18 speed) and the cheapest deraillers ever made by mankind. But will get him mobile again.