What do you enjoy most when building a bike.

I love and hate it all in equal measures. Most exciting bit is probably buying the bike in the first place... I like the first "danger ride" on a neglected bike, and if it's not too bad I often enjoy riding it around as-is for a while.

Once I start, cleaning/polishing is where most of my energy goes, but more of a compulsion than something I enjoy - I get OCD and have to get it spotless. It can be quite meditative with the right approach, but it always takes ages and feels like I am wasting my time... When I put it into service I can't wait to get it dirty again!

Actually I quite enjoy routing cables and setting up the brakes. Getting the cables just the right length, clean hands after all that dirt and grease, wheels ready trued when they were horrible before, getting the brakes spot on.

Gears can be a pain - sometimes satisfying but sometimes a case of accepting compromise... depends how good the bits are.

Press fitting a headset is quite satisfying.
Cleaning a dirty cassette until it's spanking shiney new.
Servicing a set of forks so they're super plush.
Bleeding disc brakes and that first squeeze that has a solid bite. Same for v brakes.
And nailing the gear index first time.
These are a few of my favourite things....

Taking approx 2yrs to find all the rare dream parts you always wanted but could never afford bitd. Building the wheels is so satisfying. Overcoming unforseen compatibility issues or hunting tiny missing parts frantically. Building it late at night, hiding it so the wife wont see it and go .....NOT another bike....how many is that now ? ...you never ride them...when are you gonna sell some yada yada.

Looking at it for a few days and getting that fuzzy wuzzy feeling inside the tummy....the excitrment building...then a feeling of depression, dismay and worry and doubt sets in that the bike might be all hype. You have drunk too much brand cool aid.

Not many were ever sold and then you tentatively go for a ride in hyper critical mode and its so much better than you ever imagined and it just totally blows you away....priceless.

Its really true...the bike IS incredible to ride ! You keep thinking about it and looking for posts and threads about it. Do other owners feel the same way ? Am I demented ? but no.... riding and owning such a thing really does make me happy.
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All of this...

M-Power":1xvbn8sd said:
Taking approx 2yrs to find all the rare dream parts you always wanted but could never afford bitd. Building the wheels is so satisfying. Overcoming unforseen compatibility issues or hunting tiny missing parts frantically. Building it late at night, hiding it so the wife wont see it and go .....NOT another bike....how many is that now ? ...you never ride them...when are you gonna sell some yada yada.

Looking at it for a few days and getting that fuzzy wuzzy feeling inside the tummy....the excitrment building...then a feeling of depression, dismay and worry and doubt sets in that the bike might be all hype. You have drunk too much brand cool aid.

Not many were ever sold and then you tentatively go for a ride in hyper critical mode and its so much better than you ever imagined and it just totally blows you away....priceless.

Its really true...the bike IS incredible to ride ! You keep thinking about it and looking for posts and threads about it. Do other owners feel the same way ? Am I demented ? but no.... riding and owning such a thing really does make me happy.
generally fettling by hunting down upgraded lightweight parts cheaply on ebay and fitting them.

the most satisfying is making something that is not available such as carbon fibre washers, alloy or carbon fibre gear clamps and plastic presta stem nuts all in the name of weighweenieness. also in the list of made stuff are two disc brake adapter, which were a bit of a blind alley as both are available off the shelf. :facepalm:

the lasted is fitting an aluminium shield made from a coke can and painted matt black beneath a holely headset cap.


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Re: Re:

twain":utbizy5k said:
Cleaning a dirty cassette until it's spanking shiney new.

can't say I particularly enjoy this one but to me it is a must that a cassette has to be spotless.

Honestly........all of it!!!

The find, waiting, polishing, searching, fitting and admiring. Its almost as good as the actual riding to me now....