What are your least favourite brands in the world of cycling?

I suppose for me it's the bicycle shaped objects that i had the misfortune of assembling in my student/younger days at halfords. The Shockwave branded ones were particularly sh**e and made the Apollos look reasonable.

Not a criticism of the brand as such, but I had a professional encounter with someone from Pace a few years back, where i went to some effort to reply to them giving an opinion/advice on something they had asked (mainly because I was excited about being asked by a brand I really respected), and they didnt even bother to acknowledge it despite certainty that they had read it. Now when I see their products, I associate them with that incident and it has put me right off.

There are also brands that I prefer not to use as a completely personal preference, like I always go with a Shimano groupset on a build rather than SRAM etc. That's probably likely a success (or not) of their marketing departments over the years though.
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Anything that puts trend before practicality, or pretends to be better because it looks different. Like Vanmoof:

Maybe not my least favourite because I don't think I have a least favourite but I would say any brands that inherently factor in obsolescence into what they sell. I also find that certain brands have overpriced garments. They may be good but I have never liked paying more for a "name" on my stuff if possible when something equally as able can be had for less.
Trek for backing Lance Armstrong to the end when it had been obvious for years that he'd cheated and bullied his way to the top.

They even shafted Greg LeMond for having the temerity to say what everyone else was thinking.

They've made some nice stuff over the years but they can get in the sea now.