Wanted damaged frame


Retro Newbie
For an unusual project I need a damaged frame with good rear triangle, and joints.

For your interest I'm going to be replacing the top down and seat tubes with a composite, so the frame is going to serve as long lugs, Ideally I need oversized tubing, I'd like to copper plate the metal so the welding quality has to be pretty good or it will look shocking. Would rather have a damaged frame as I couldn't bare cutting up a good quality frame and potentially ruining it. The final bike will most likely be single speed so track ends or horizontal drops.

Ideally I'd work with a frame builder to build these parts but as I need all the joints making it would probably cost the same as an entire frame, Unless there are some frame builders out there willing to work with me. But budget is potentially tight unless I get a brand on board to sponsor it and I hate asking craftsmen to devalue their trade. Unless someone wants to collaborate with me..

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... amp;type=3

Size should be 54cm or less.
