Virgin media

It used to just run i been with them for years now and in my old address i just upgraded or changed as and when i wanted dont think once you have been with them 12 months or whatever your service contract is as they also offer 18months aswell on some things that it matters as you been a customer already for that period i think its just the initial grace period as every time i did change there was no mention of it, only time they ever said that i was tied in was recentley when i moved address and they said even though i was just moving that i would be classed as a new customer. have text a mate who i know works for them to double check though so will let you know when he gets back to me either way
I'm on a basic package - M tv, M broadband but unlimited telephone and international - 28.50 a month. £55 sounds way to high for what you have, especially with the service you are getting.

We are currently looking at shifting stuff around as the house phone has taken a drop in use now my wife is back at work during the day :)

Instead of the word Compensation try the word "Ofcom" and see if they hang up then.
i was looking at reporting them to ofcom but unsure how to go about it and what they will do?

some of them need an attitude change! (i do get quite irate but then i am always right so dont get in a huff with me :evil: :LOL: )

seems to have sorted itself last night
which is after the 24h they said but will see how i get on now :?
I'm with BT and never had a problem, have Virgin at work and it's regularly not working, it seems that a virgin engineer actually lives in the junction box over the road, not very helpful but my experience nonetheless!!

I've also experienced the 'phone up, complain, and boom! miraculously all problems solved instantly' thing....makes you wonder if someone just kept an eye on things there wouldn't be so many complaints! Saying that there's horror stories about every provider on the nets, it's just the luck of the draw I guess...
Im on the higher talktalk package.
Free calls anytime to anywhere [in the UK] including the premium rate numbers 0845 etc etc [you can opt for this instead of free international numbers ;) ]
20meg speed
Unlimited download

I haven't paid and more than about £28 per month
Speed test run over 20 or so times -roughly 16mg download and 850kbs upload.
Indian call centers :? but if you remember that in India politeness will take you far.Be polite and they will sort things for you if theres a problem.
Spoke to my mate who works for them said if you take any discounts on upgrade package thats where they will tie you in if you dont should be a 30day rolling contract thing
dyna-ti":159twygz said:
Im on the higher talktalk package.
Free calls anytime to anywhere [in the UK] including the premium rate numbers 0845 etc etc [you can opt for this instead of free international numbers ;) ]
20meg speed
Unlimited download

I haven't paid and more than about £28 per month
Speed test run over 20 or so times -roughly 16mg download and 850kbs upload.
Indian call centers :? but if you remember that in India politeness will take you far.Be polite and they will sort things for you if theres a problem.

haha but you can only be so polite! :oops: :evil: :LOL:
thats a great package too, but no tv in there?

computerbitz, i dont understand? so they would extend the contract??
Sorry was in wales on mobile internet lol

he said if you dont take the reduced 3 month discount then you will probably remain on a 30 day rolling service as opposed to being tied in for 12 to 18 months so you should go onto a better package for less than what your forking out now and no long term contract

said still speak to them just before or after your contract expires and see what deal the retentions team will give you they may give you a better deal for less and no contract tie in to attempt to keep your custom
ok awesome, will see where i get with them when the time nears

service has been ok for the past couple days now :roll: