I'd like to sit down over a beer and talk bikes with the old boy, he clearly has excellent taste in bikes. He has already set the bar pretty high, but looking forward to the Merckx
GLWS and I hope he gets a nice chunk of change for his collection.
Some very nice bikes there and all in my size. Too bad I'm an ocean away, poor and he doesn't want to break up the collection. The Vitus wouldn't be worth much here - they don't seem very popular at the moment. Aluminum - particularly bonded aluminum - doesn't get a lot of love.
Concur with others, it is a buyers market at the moment, although can be exceptions like two Hetchins here, curly especially will attract interest. If you are looking for new buyer to be an enthusiast, than eBay is not the best place, but it may be best £££ wise. You could try FB groups for each of the brands for an example, where you'll also get lots of advice on value or interest to buy. Do check for any issues, like dents (that Lipscombe seem to have one on top tube), suck seat pins etc, as these will reduce value. Original paint would increase it on the other hand.
Love that Holdsworth and I think it will easily achieve £250. Good luck with the sale. Brentwood is not far from me
Interesting. I was under the impression it was the latter. Still too far away to make purchasing anything a reasonable financial prospect. Plus I'm trying to downsize my collection due to space constraints.
Thanks for all the replies to the thread.
Rather than answer individually, there's some very valid points mentioned.
As soon as John mentioned Hetchins in his collection, I knew that they would be the ones that would get the most interest...and they are really nice in the metal. I'll have to go back and get the serial numbers....but the suggestion to go to the Hetchins register for advice is a good one.
The values suggested on the others seem fair.
I will be going back to John in November and I'll sit with him and show him this thread.
I like the idea of taking a Video of him explaining the history behind each bike....not only for the collective here, but as family memories.
To Clarify. He's not selling just yet....but when he's ready, I'll act as a liaison. Convincing him that if he wants to sell each bike complete to a collector, price expectations are obviously lower to find the right buyer. If profit is his goal....then convincing that splitting is the better option might be a harsh reality. I'm also reluctant as if he goes this route, it'll be me taking them apart, photographing, listing, researching, selling, posting......all time consuming with potentially 100+ parts.
And onto the KRF.
From Info given by John...
1950's KRF - K. Rossin Fendt. A frame builder for Holdsworth. Built this frame for himself.
Modern respray/ original Head badge