Valuation advice needed. Vitus/Lipscombe/Hansom/Moser/Holdsworth/Colnago/Merckx/Hetchins/KRF

Is the Lipscombe a mish mash , the only curious thing I spot on it are Shimano down tube cable stops . I think it's a good looking bike .

The hard anodised Mavic rims was the first thing I noticed out of place, then the drillium on the brake levers. For sure this was upgraded over time (and fair enough). I think really what the general point I'm trying to make, is they couldn't stand up in a museum collection as-is; they would be more like projects for most people.

Yours Sincerely, Woz the Wine Snob Cork Sniffer.
@squirrelchaser Sorry. No idea.....not my retro specialism!
I know it was a good looking bike when we got it out in the sun to photograph. Looks much newer than it's 1964 vintage.
John was very definate on it's year. He used it as his time trial bike in his Racing prime....hence the bar end shifters.

What do you think it's worth?

More on flea-bay than here , probly . like the gents say it's slow all over so how quickly you want a sale would make a difference . If you've got time an auction starting at £300 but open to offers . I just spotted the corrosion round the driveside drop out and 64 would mean the rims have probly been changed . Still a nice looking genuine bike its age .
What you're doing is a nice thing , good luck .
The hard anodised Mavic rims was the first thing I noticed out of place, then the drillium on the brake levers. For sure this was upgraded over time (and fair enough). I think really what the general point I'm trying to make, is they couldn't stand up in a museum collection as-is; they would be more like projects for most people.

Yours Sincerely, Woz the Wine Snob Cork Sniffer.
I get what you're saying about the others . The rims are consumables and I'm no expert of the age of various Mafac levers , 64 does seem early for holed up levers .
Foppishly yours Village Idiot .
Today's offering for Valuation.

Slightly newer than the previous pics.
199? Moser 7020 Aluminum 57cm
Massi Carbon Forks
Ritchey OCR Aero wheels
Campagnolo Chorus
San Marco saddle

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Pretty sure the Rolls saddle is a much rarer 96-ish Titanio with Ti rails and aluminium back plate; these go for good money, despite there being a re-issue. The Campag full gruppo is desirable. Fork is branded by Massi (Spain) and not original, may have been a 1" threaded AL fork originally? Wheels could be interesting. I don't think there's much (any) value in the AL frame except to a Moser fanboy perhaps?

Just my humble opinion, if you did think about breaking up one bike I think this would be the one. Value wise for a complete bike, I'd swap out the saddle to something else, add up the Campag stuff based on sold Ebay listings, slap on £100 for the wheel set / rest.
Both those Hetchins are lovely, may be worth an enquiry on for more specialist advice on those. This chap not only is the right size but has great taste in bikes. The first one I think is a Vade Mecum, the second a Magnum Bonum. If I saw those for £250 on eBay or an auction I’d be in the car already! They are certainly worth a lot more than that, how much would depend probably on international shipping and how long you could wait. I sold my Magnum Bonum track frame only for over £1k about 10 years ago.
Both those Hetchins are lovely, may be worth an enquiry on for more specialist advice on those. This chap not only is the right size but has great taste in bikes. The first one I think is a Vade Mecum, the second a Magnum Bonum. If I saw those for £250 on eBay or an auction I’d be in the car already! They are certainly worth a lot more than that, how much would depend probably on international shipping and how long you could wait. I sold my Magnum Bonum track frame only for over £1k about 10 years ago.
Think there might be a bit of a tussle for the Hetchins. Either of them.
Not from me, I was hoping for one that was a bit rougher and less desirable than those two! Both of those have got that something about them that is just right. Unless I have a windfall!
Don't think it will be me either. The Curly shouts out buy me, but it is running on tubs. May be period correct but not for me, and then I'd have to go about sourcing period correct rims etc., etc..

A shame because it is in great condition.