UK Bridleways maps

That's seriously cool. Interesting to see just how rubbish some counties are: Suffolk, much of Wales and North Yorkshire in particular.

I always find it a big drag extracting the bridlepaths from footpaths.

Just need to add in the Byways and RUPPs (or whatever they're called these days) and it will be complete.

Many thanks,
The map of the Isle of Wight must be well out of date? either that or I'm riding mostly on footpaths :shock:
There are an awful lot of bridleways missing. East Northamptonshire is full of muddy bridleways around fields, none of which are shown. Perhaps it only lists the good ones!
I did wonder about some of the gaps...
Turns out that the background terrain mapping is OS, but the Rights of Way data is from "OpenStreetMap contributors and available under the Open Database License."

So the missing paths need to be filled in by voluntary contributors, rather than taken wholesale from OS or local Definitive sources.
We'll need to go over to OpenStreetMap and fill in the blanks...

All the best,
Cheers Dan,
My age old quest to ride all the rights of way within 20 miles of home may start again then!