Tottenham riots

these are just people being thugs and idiots now, there is no reason for it other than they consider it fun and they can steal stuff with less chance of being caught because there are so many of them.

it comes in that category of people i hate, stupid feckless idiots with no intent of working who are leaches on society and gain most of their income through some sort of crime, this is their equivalent of their summer bonus.
I'm a fairly peaceable person and a Quaker but what I read in this morning's paper was the last straw. I've now signed the e-petition to force Parliament to debate the restoration of hanging. I've got friends who live in Walthamstow and the idea of people I care about being threatened by the proximity of the mob was the final tipping point.
These people are the scum of the earth and the more who are made an example of the better, even at risk of a few Winston Silcott type miscarriages of justice. Those who wish to take life must be deprived of it themselves. Surely they knew that the shops they were torching had peoples' flats above them? I'm sorry to say that when these crime scenes are properly examined I'd expect there to be bodies of people who were overcome by smoke or who died in their sleep.
The usual bleeding heart fools are already falling over themselves to offer excuses for these creatures unreasonable behaviour. Fortunatley poverty and wretched childhoods do not need to lead to a life of crime, suggesting that they do is a slap in the face for anyone who has overcome adversity in their own life.
Rich Aitch":3hr2bmem said:
Fortunatley poverty and wretched childhoods do not need to lead to a life of crime, suggesting that they do is a slap in the face for anyone who has overcome adversity in their own life.

Well said
Rich Aitch":9wfpr9l4 said:
I'm a fairly peaceable person and a Quaker but what I read in this morning's paper was the last straw. I've now signed the e-petition to force Parliament to debate the restoration of hanging.

I would say you sound extremely peaceable, I know that the minimum punishment I would want for someone who had stolen two pairs of Nike Air Max 93 (white/infra red) from JJB Sports is hanging.
Rod_Saetan":2hfppc6r said:
Rich Aitch":2hfppc6r said:
I'm a fairly peaceable person and a Quaker but what I read in this morning's paper was the last straw. I've now signed the e-petition to force Parliament to debate the restoration of hanging.

I would say you sound extremely peaceable, I know that the minimum punishment I would want for someone who had stolen two pairs of Nike Air Max 93 (white/infra red) from JJB Sports is hanging.

I think hanging would be fair, if you are stupid enough to value a pair of nike air max trainers to the point where you target the Foot Locker, when there is a bank next door then you aren't worth the air you are breathing.
Rich Aitch"The usual bleeding heart fools are already falling over themselves to offer excuses for these creatures unreasonable behaviour.[/quote said:
Some good news is that at least Polly Toynbee in the Guardian has had the good grace to keep her trap shut, for now...
Its about time we really did get tough with criminals and the scum currently torching London. Life sentences should mean that and prison should be something to fear, we give these people too much rights :evil:
They could have killed people in their own homes purely to nick a telly :shock:
Capital punishment would not be needed if custodial sentences were something you really did not want to endure.
More to the point, if there is a Foot Locker why are you looting JJB Sports?

Seriously though kids, all this Daily Mail nonsense about hanging is a joke right?
Part of the problem is that people don't realise that "Lifers" are never free, if you are let out of gaol after a life sentence you are let out on licence and can be summoned back inside at any time. People can be and are recalled to prison to resume their sentences, even if all they did after getting out was commit a civil offence like a parking violation. Part of the problem is that people think sentencing is a soft option, if newspapers and television news broadcasts were required to make each editions lead story the identities and offences of people recalled to gaol people might think twice.
If that doesn't work then the next step is the gallows, or if you live in Halifax the guillotine.
Rod_Saetan":3gb8hjhm said:
More to the point, if there is a Foot Locker why are you looting JJB Sports?

Seriously though kids, all this Daily Mail nonsense about hanging is a joke right?

of course it is! we aren't barbarians! now can we pack these idiots off to iraq or afghanistan please? we can build some council estates on the outskirts of kabul...and they can riot as much as they like, one way tickets of course.

Australia came out quite nicely last time we did this experiment...