Tottenham riots

Stick Legs, I am with you all the way.

As I own and run 2 businesses does that make me a capitalist to be abhorred by the moral left wing? I have provided jobs for 10 people who contribute to society, we all pay taxes as individuals, also as a company. I want to recruit more but the barriers to offering either an apprentice ship or taking on a graduate are so onerous I really cannot afford the time and associated expense, the employment legislation in place now makes it almost impossible for small companies to recruit quickly and easily. So we will revert to freelancers.

Another issue we face is the attitude of young people we have interviewed - they appear to know all of their "rights" as an employee, they know how much they believe that they are worth and unless this is substantially better than their benefits they see no point in working, even though their position would improve with positive performance and results.

Silverclaws - I have worked in a QUANGO in Plymouth and as a supplier to a huge welfare to work organisation and was staggered by the vast sums invested in those without work. Easily equivalent to the bankers bail out and it has been going on quietly in the background for decades. The latter business owner now owns a stately home and is reputed to have a personal worth of over £20m all funded by the public purse and this person is not the only one.

The processes in place that allowed this pillaging of the state purses was the New Deal programme which was an exercise in removing the politically problematic figure of the long term unemployed - yes it did get some people back into work, but in large it was designed to massage the statistics.

The idiot on BBC news last night blaming immigrant labour for his plight needs to be taken on one side and shown just what the immigrant labour is prepared to do for the money. We have an office in LA and the situation is the same - predominantly lazy white workers refusing to take up a job that they believe beneath them, then complaining that the immigrant Hispanics are everywhere taking all the jobs.

Non-market capitalism is the only way we will dig ourselves out of this mess, allow businesses to start, grow and employ. Keep them owner managed to retain focus on people and services rather than share value. Relax the enormous burden of red tape surrounding businesses. We need to get some of these rioters to realise that setting up a business is a route to personal wealth and self respect not something to be reviled and attacked.

I'm with Sticklegs too. Hard graft has it's rewards, be that in your working life, family life or back at school. Everyone is given a free education in this country and every opportunity to make something of their lives. They chose not to. Well tough luck to them.
I grew up in a rough mining village in South Yorkshire, left school with no prospects, no jobs, community crumbling and crime soaring. I looked around and got my head down, worked hard and made something of my life whilst most folk around me took the easy option. Why should i feel guilt for that?

It's interesting to see that there was hardly any trouble last night. Could that be because the weather wasn't very nice? Goes to show who we are dealing with here. It's pissing down with rain here but I got up and made my way to work where I will get a good soaking for the next 12 hours. If only these scumbags had the same conviction we might beleive they have an agenda other that petty criminality.
well the school teaching assistant is buggered and good news

any entry on your crb even a warning these dyas will kill any crb check job application
sylus":1pebv6kb said:
well the school teaching assistant is buggered and good news

any entry on your crb even a warning these dyas will kill any crb check job application

He probably doesn't give a toss. Makes you wonder how he got a job in the first place. For starters, what kind of person goes to court in a shiny track suit? Just another chav.
among the things that have been looted were starter kits for the recently jobless:

Shiny tracksuit with hood and special pocket to make the wearer easily identifiable by the location of a hand to be constantly cupping genitalia

White trainers

Baseball cap

Long term kits also include:

Sky tv package


rogerthecat":1z5dfsse said:
Dr S":1z5dfsse said:
I grew up in a rough mining village in South Yorkshire

You from near Rotherham too? Great incentive to knuckle down!!!

is it just me who noticed, there was practically no rioting in yorkshire,tyneside,scotland? if those idiots from london want to see deprivation they should get on the bus and come up north...they come from a city where the weekly newspaper has about 3 pages of jobs, compare that to up north where you are lucky to get a third of a page.

The idiot blaming the immigrants needs a wake up call, whilst i was in uni i worked for a cleaning company managed by an employment agency...all the other workers bar two were immigrants, nigerians, malaysians , polaks ,chinese people.

We'd start work at 4am work untill 7am, then we'd go off to university/other jobs/back to sleep then we had another shift 8pm-11pm. Sure its 6 hours a day but the pay was better than minimum wage because its a job no one wants to do so it was more like working 9-10 hours a day paywise. I'm sure if I told him he had to get up at 4am to clean someone elses toilet that he wouldn't want the job.

The way the economy has gone though and the fact I have a degree seems to have made it harder to get even menial jobs like that...i get told that i am over qualified or when i don't mention qualifcations they say they have filled the positions just through huge amounts of applications.

Anyway I shall keep striving, whilst living at home to avoid costs and putting off any life that I had planned. I hope things pick up soon because after a bit being unemployed really gets to you, but you won't ever see me out destroying someone elses hard work because I can't find a job...that's just ludicrous.
Catch 'em.

Sting 'em up.

Cut their bollocks off.


And the women? Just shoot them so they can't breed anymore.

If anyone didn't hear the 'interview' on radio 4 the other day with the two ladies swigging from a bottle of wine they'd just robbed while havin 'fun' they should iplayer it.

Ease overcrowding, get rid of stupid people, save money on prison bills.

Obvious way forward, but I guess the lawyers might miss out on legal fees somewhere along the line...
