Tottenham riots

Easy_Rider":2d4xtifq said:
Just curious, but how much of that was in the contract before signing up?

I'm a professional and earn an ok wage in a good company, we dont even get any sick pay, nevermind anything else.

If jealous why not join? No age limit, no formal qualifications needed. You can even have a criminal record, albeit certain offences exclude you

No contract to sign. Police officers are Crown Servants who swear an Oath to uphold the Queens Peace
I wonders why it is the police are still implementing government policy, or is it there are cracks in the service even now, what with police in these riots failing to protect people's property to the point the property owners have to attempt to protect it themselves, sticks in hand. Could it be what we are seeing here is akin to the collapse and withdrawal of the Roman Empire and very soon we also will be told to look to our own defences, because the police cannot with what their employers are doing to them.

Someone around about the time of the student riots asked when will it be the police will be joining the protesting ranks, as they are not immune from this scabby assed pillaging raider government that it seems exists for their gods the banking sector and corporate interest.

As it is, my recent exposure to police concerning my stolen Saracen, was when I said I was going to follow my suspect when it is he goes biking with his equally dodgy pals, i was very surprised not to be warned about taking the law into my own hands, as has been the case in the past with many who want more than what the police seem willing to provide. this does indicate the forerunner in my experience of the roman parting gift to the Britons, look to your own defences, as we are needed elsewhere.

But the politicians can't be that stupid can they, what are they up to ? They are either completely stupid, or they are fermenting other plans, plans which I fear might come under the term special measures, a situation where we will be in complete control by the unelected, perhaps a return to the past serfdoms and lords, the law is still there, it can be used again.

Now, I know it is far fetched, but V for vendetta, as in fiction there is often truth and what is art for if it is not to challenge and teach ?
silverclaws":1cg287o2 said:
I wonders why it is the police are still implementing government policy, or is it there are cracks in the service even now, what with police in these riots failing to protect people's property to the point the property owners have to attempt to protect it themselves

Trust me it's not the rank and file that are failing you. They want nothing more than to do what everyone wants them to do

It's the ACPO ranks thats are failing the UK public and frontline Officers. The leaders of the Police Service are political lackeys to whatever Government is in power. Thats the problem with so called Policing by Consent. Look at the answers senior serving Officers give in media interviews - political garbage

Remember the Police are a disciplined Service and have to follow Lawful orders and adhere to Force Policy's

Make the Police Federal, remove them from politics and that might be the start of better things to come
Gadro":19gqd57a said:
Easy_Rider":19gqd57a said:
Just curious, but how much of that was in the contract before signing up?

I'm a professional and earn an ok wage in a good company, we dont even get any sick pay, nevermind anything else.

If jealous why not join? No age limit, no formal qualifications needed. You can even have a criminal record, albeit certain offences exclude you

No contract to sign. Police officers are Crown Servants who swear an Oath to uphold the Queens Peace

they are cutting back not recruiting...that's the number one reason why, they aren't even taking specials on in most places.
Gadro":3fnsiczp said:
Easy_Rider":3fnsiczp said:
Just curious, but how much of that was in the contract before signing up?

I'm a professional and earn an ok wage in a good company, we dont even get any sick pay, nevermind anything else.

If jealous why not join? No age limit, no formal qualifications needed. You can even have a criminal record, albeit certain offences exclude you

No contract to sign. Police officers are Crown Servants who swear an Oath to uphold the Queens Peace

No jealousy, just curiosity as stated. Are there no terms of employment to agree to when swearing the oath?
I've had fewer than a handful of sick days in the last decade anyway. Quite apart from the politics of policing which I tend to agree with you, I don't agree the pay and conditions are that bad, especially when compared to many in the private sector.
1duck":mjlqaa2j said:
they are cutting back not recruiting...that's the number one reason why, they aren't even taking specials on in most places.

Easy_Rider":mjlqaa2j said:
Just curious, but how much of that was in the contract before signing up?

I'm a professional and earn an ok wage in a good company, we dont even get any sick pay, nevermind anything else.

Amazes me that persons are jealous of Police Pay and Conditions.

Pays not bad but isn't fantastic

Police Officers starting pay at rank of Constable £23,259, which rises in increments to a maximum of £35,519 on 11 years service

11% pension contributions (Rising to a proposed 14.2%)

Officers joining pre 2005 have a 30 year career, post 2005 a 35 year career. So yes those that joined when they were 19 years of age can retire at the age of 49. So that pretty attractive

Restrictions of private life are appalling. Used to even have to ask for permission to get married!! Officers having to apply for permission to live in a certain house or being forced to move from their existing house. Loads more that I won't bore you with.

All I will say to anyone who is jealous of Police Pay and condition is join. Don't moan about it and say they are better paid than me just join. They will recruit again, upper age limit of 53. Fancy it?
Gadro":3mo0l1ko said:
1duck":3mo0l1ko said:
they are cutting back not recruiting...that's the number one reason why, they aren't even taking specials on in most places.

Easy_Rider":3mo0l1ko said:
Just curious, but how much of that was in the contract before signing up?

I'm a professional and earn an ok wage in a good company, we dont even get any sick pay, nevermind anything else.

Amazes me that persons are jealous of Police Pay and Conditions.

Pays not bad but isn't fantastic

Police Officers starting pay at rank of Constable £23,259, which rises in increments to a maximum of £35,519 on 11 years service

11% pension contributions (Rising to a proposed 14.2%)

Officers joining pre 2005 have a 30 year career, post 2005 a 35 year career. So yes those that joined when they were 19 years of age can retire at the age of 49. So that pretty attractive

Restrictions of private life are appalling. Used to even have to ask for permission to get married!! Officers having to apply for permission to live in a certain house or being forced to move from their existing house. Loads more that I won't bore you with.

All I will say to anyone who is jealous of Police Pay and condition is join. Don't moan about it and say they are better paid than me just join. They will recruit again, upper age limit of 53. Fancy it?

I agree the pay to consider how much the police do is pathetic! when i consider what an MP gets for doing nothing. I do fancy it...but not for the money but because the police are an important part of society, no matter what the scroats may say the police are a cornerstone of a society.

Keep up the good work lads and don't listen to all the idiots who are blaming you for the problems in london, 6000 people can't be expected to control a city the size of london when they are dealing with roaming mobs of idiots.
Easy_Rider":1repais3 said:
I never said I was jealous, please do not put words in my mouth.


Type can be taken literally and a reader can make his own assumptions.

Gadro":h1rs994r said:
No doubt everyone on here has heard the news that the Home Secretary has cancelled ALL Police Officers Leave in England and Wales.

Too little too late

What does this actually mean;

Officers will be financially reimbursed for the inconvenience by claiming enhanced hourly payment rates. For those that want to know the exact figures here they are;

Cancelled leave less than 8 days notice. Hourly payment at double time for a minimum of 6 hours and reimbursement of two days leave back for every day cancelled. This is for the first 3 days of cancelled Annual Leave. Following that Officers are reimbursed at an hourly rate of 1.5. Remember family holidays will have to be cancelled no consideration given.

Cancelled Rest Days less than 5 days notice Officers are reimbursed at a rate of double time.

This is going to cost Millions and is a pointless exercise by a Government that is so blindly stating that Police Budgets will be cut by 20%. There were apparently 16,000 Officers on the Streets of London last night spookily enough this is virtually the exact number of Officers that after these cuts are implemented will no longer exist. Remember these Officers on London's streets are not just the Metropolitan Police. Thousand have been drafted in form other areas of the Country leaving their own Forces depleted. It's plain to see there aren't enough Police now I dread to think what the future holds for Law and Order in the UK

Police are not liked or respected. No doubt the amount of money these Officers could earn will shock some people. remember though, they have no right to strike, can be ordered to return from a family holiday with just a phone call. Many do not want to work but they are a disciplined Service and will follow lawful orders. If not they can ultimately be sacked.
The Olympics are just around the corner. Many forces have told Officer that there will be NO leave authorised between May and August 2012. Imagine the child care grief that would give you in the summer months of the school holidays. It also means that Police Officers cannot attend any Olympic Events as spectators even if they wanted to.

What this Govt is doing to the Police

20% cuts, No Industrial Rights, Exempted from the Human Rights Act, Enhanced Payment rates for cancellation of RD's, etc to be abolished, yet still subject to the same conditions, 14.2% Pension Contributions and a compulsory retirement age of 60. Yep thats right you're going to have 60 year olds attempting to Police Riots like this in the future. The Myth of Office jobs, these are as rare as hens teeth as they've virtually all been civilianised.

Would you fancy a career doing that?

Reap what you sow and if you think Policing in the UK is crap now. Wait till you see what the future brings under this ConDem fiasco.

sounds like a good reason for the police to organise a riot ;)