Today's ROAD ride


NO! Not plain black!

There's enough black bikes around. I like the colour scheme as it is !
Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":1nyyghd7 said:
NO! Not plain black!

There's enough black bikes around. I like the colour scheme as it is !

You do, she doesn't.... it is a bit tatty.

Fair enough, it is kts' bike after all

Back to Rourke with it then?

Too much wine and beer last night ment that I didn't get out till almost lunchtime. Did a loop of Edentrillick Hill before heading over towards Dromore using Ballymacormick road for the first time, a real gem, then headed home before the heavy rain started.

Loving singlespeed, always thought it was just a bit of a fad but I suppose the Strava segments don't lie.


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The weather was just too good not to ride this afternoon.

Out on The Keith again, as this frame is just SO good to ride.

Went down Weston sea front. I was going to stop and take a photo, but one look at the crowds, fish and chip wrappers, giant lollipops on sticks and I thought... naaah. It is good to see the season kicking off though.

So, through town and up onto Roman Road (which is a Roman road).

Top of the first climb.

Then it was down into Banwell, round the trading estate up Banwell Hill and back out into the countryside.

Wind was pretty blustery on the way home, as I got closer and closer to the coast, but it is just so nice to ride in the warm.
I need to get out again. Second ride of the year last weekend, half killed me.

Only did 11 or 12 rides last year as well......

South London - Eastbourne, circa 100km. Beautiful sunny weather... became cold, windy and rainy, as soon as I saw the sea... return in train.


I do like a nice quiet small country lane Dale, splendid! :cool: Bet you didn't see much traffic there, other than tractors!

I can see the attraction of getting away from the coast Neil, I had the same feeling on the ride on Thursday, posted earlier on the thread.

That is a fantastic Colnago, Predki. Gorgeous paintscheme, Super?

There was a breeze coming off the sea, but it soon warmed the further inland I went, having a slow potter with my normally C40 shod friend. Had a Canyon this time though.
Only one pre-ride pichur, and this is why,

I had my legs out again! :shock: :LOL: :LOL:

Apologies for the bike, I had to justify keeping it, only having ridden it once or twice last year :roll:

Around 45 miles in all


Woking > Northampton keeping on the back lanes, no idea of distance as I didn't have a computer, but given the wiggly route about 90 miles. Not many photo opportunities but coming over the Chilterns was nice. :D Good old fashion navigation with pages out of a road atlas - loved it!


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