Today's Ride


Today-Friday-Nice this afternoon, in the mid 70's F. We rode South of Fairfax, up onto Tam and the Lakes...


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Todays ride on the beater pace and its shake down ride. Bloody cold windy and it tried to snow. Good for the soul though ;)
Mint would approve

Would beleaf how hard it was seeing the trail

Im fine.........what was that?


suns out

Bit muddy

Nice one buddy

A beater Pace, eh? How posh! :LOL: :LOL:

P.S. Your goods are on their way ;)


Ken inspired selfie lol

Cheers Mike, gave the old girl her last coat of clear today as well so may be a rolling chassis mid week.....

Fingers crossed the pace lasts at least a year, all clean checked and lubed for next time. Weather looks less blustery tomorrow ;)
Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":3bs404aq said:
longun":3bs404aq said:
Weather looks less blustery tomorrow ;)

When you'll be riding?

Fingers crossed although I may just take the cindercone out and the youth on her Saracen, she cried today because we couldnt go out on bikes!!!!! Far to windy for a 4 year old lol

Today-Saturday-Another beautiful Fall day around here-about 75 F. and sunny. We changed direction today and headed up West about 1000'...


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Sunny and fresh today, but without the strong wind so ideal for some more biking!

So off we went, on an older Scott this time :roll:

Along a flat track to start,

And up a small climb,

To be greeted by this at the top,

My playground awaits! I could have taken a road straight to here, but where's the fun in that?!

Down a concrete road past a private school, and onto the next bit o' bridleway

Going was pretty muddy, but not as sticky as my midweek ride if that makes sense :?

Then across a main road and onto the South Downs Way.

Why is this bloody gate never open when I'm going up! :evil:

Had a choice of three tracks here. The South Downs Way, around a five minute climb, just a grovel, with deep gulley benefits, a laft turn that would take me into almost certain bogginess, or one in between, that I'd never tried to ride up before, only been down it 3 times I think, twice of those at night! :shock:
That's the one for me :cool: Started off in the granny gear, 24 ring with a 28 out the back. Started off ok, then I wanted to stop to take in the lovely view, and share with you. North Downs on the horizon.

Before the serious business of trying to ride up the steep gulley behind the bike

Did I make it? Absloutely not :oops: :facepalm:

The narrow track had bee narrowed further by logs that had been put along it, halving the width, but I took another photo when I got to the top, just to show the area better,

Above the bike is the South Downs with the SD Way along the ridge top. Over to the right and in the very far distance is the North Downs, around 30-35 miles away and very different terrain. Lots of forest and sandy trails.

A bit further along, once I got to the top, I saw where I had ridden from on the horizon,

Then along, heading east, and onto the Sussex Highway Intense Trail, or SH-T for short! My favourite bit of singletrack in the area. It starts out very stony that could shake my fillings out on a rigid, if I had any teeth left with them :LOL: , which then opens up to a really rooty section, where you have to be on your guard all the time, especially after the rain we've had.

It get's worse that this, but I wanted to just ride that bit! :LOL:

At the end, there's a bench for you to take in the view at the top, nice! :cool:

Quick drink and pic, then heading back south again,

Along some easy bridleways, and home for a cuppa ;)

Now cleaned, oiled, and ready for the next adventure!
