Today's Ride

Today the heat wave finally hit the far far away Kingdom of North. 112 km in 90F. Ran out of water already half ways. The last 10 clicks wasn't going too quick. The tarmac was melting here and there, so not only in Burgundy... dear Warwick!



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Today-Thursday-Lots cooler here, after 98-100 F. for the last couple of afternoons, it looks like it will be low 80's this PM. An early hour's ride, about 70 F. at 9 AM when I started the ride...


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Today-Saturday-We went out this afternoon for an hour's ride in the 88 F. heat-glad to be home now in the shade...


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Today-Monday-An early ride before the fog burns completely off and it gets hot...


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Today-Tuesday-A nice cool morning ride, about 70 F. and sunny-about 20 miles at a brisk pace...


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todays bimble around the local woods, bloody warm and overgrown in places but worth the effort just to ride a bike :) even managed to capture some sections on the goslow camera

from the ashes.....haha
dropped in on the local velodrome evening session for a breather, top session

poor pics but great ride

That's pretty cool having a Velodrome in your neighborhood :cool: Today-Friday-After two days of light rain, back on the bike today. Thing is, it never rains around here in July, and we are in a 4 year drought-can't figure it out, but am not complaining. Up 900' to the West today, about 72 F. and partly cloudy...


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Today-Saturday-A pleasant 77 F. and sunny-Met up with CK, Larry,and Warren downtown, where it was weekend madness for bikers at the corner coffee shop-fortunately 99% Roadbikes, which we left behind in a block and a half when we turned towards the dirt :) We then rode up to the West about 900'...


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