Today's Ride

finally, after a bit more than one month without riding, managed to get out for a few kms. :)





Very quick 15km, would've perhaps been longer but 1) my front light went missing and 2) I forgot that BBC only seem to show wind breeze and not gusts which ended up being around the 40mph mark. Basically just to a local park, loop around then back up the hill. First pic going and the second coming back.



Maybe not the place to ask but I'll give it a shot anyway - that hill I alluded to obviously meant using some lower gears, at whichpoint I noticed some rubbing and the realization that a crash last weekend not only damaged the front brake, but also the rear derailleur as the cage is clearly misaligned. Now I could mess around, bend it etc however in an oddly coincidental sequence of events I'd ordered a replacement brake and some zip ties from a certain car based retailer, who proceeded to send the brake and a Sora RD which is also 9 speed. Will this (Sora R3000GS) run with a regular Deore shifter (I think its an M530) or is there some pull ratio mismatch I'm unaware of?
Very quick 15km, would've perhaps been longer but 1) my front light went missing and 2) I forgot that BBC only seem to show wind breeze and not gusts which ended up being around the 40mph mark. Basically just to a local park, loop around then back up the hill. First pic going and the second coming back.



Maybe not the place to ask but I'll give it a shot anyway - that hill I alluded to obviously meant using some lower gears, at whichpoint I noticed some rubbing and the realization that a crash last weekend not only damaged the front brake, but also the rear derailleur as the cage is clearly misaligned. Now I could mess around, bend it etc however in an oddly coincidental sequence of events I'd ordered a replacement brake and some zip ties from a certain car based retailer, who proceeded to send the brake and a Sora RD which is also 9 speed. Will this (Sora R3000GS) run with a regular Deore shifter (I think its an M530) or is there some pull ratio mismatch I'm unaware of?

Watch out, the hanger could be misaligned - every week we get a bike in where the rear derailleur has caught the spokes and caused £100 damage!
Sora R3000 will work on Mtn 9, 34t max r sprocket.
The gs cage gives a total capacity of 43t (that's [big+big] -[small+small])
No pics to show for it, but after a frustrating week of pre-Christmas shopping expeditions, home improvements and unexpected visitors, managed to escape on the road bike for a sunny late-afternoon blast. 32km in an hour and a quarter, with 300m climbing.

Well, on the out-and-back route, the breeze was in my teeth most of the way, but coming back it propelled me to a speedy homeward leg which felt fantastic. In the coming days, with kids home and social duties taking priority, it's going to be a case of shooting out opportunistically to get a few bike miles in. My devious plan is to go in the mornings when the youngsters are indulging in their propensity for late rising.
No pics to show for it, but after a frustrating week of pre-Christmas shopping expeditions, home improvements and unexpected visitors, managed to escape on the road bike for a sunny late-afternoon blast. 32km in an hour and a quarter, with 300m climbing.

Well, on the out-and-back route, the breeze was in my teeth most of the way, but coming back it propelled me to a speedy homeward leg which felt fantastic. In the coming days, with kids home and social duties taking priority, it's going to be a case of shooting out opportunistically to get a few bike miles in. My devious plan is to go in the mornings when the youngsters are indulging in their propensity for late rising.
Good plan. Sadly I'm the visitor and have no bike with me to do the same.