Today's Ride

Out today to find a way cross country to an old haunt. Got acquainted with a recent build. A nice neutral ride. Got a mate visiting for a ride so needed to check it out as he's using it.



Not sure which is the lighter?
Nice ride!
Wednesday night ride, Bristol to Bath and back on route #4, the old railway line. I've run a portion of it but with my achilles healing and decent weather, I took Simone with me instead of my trainers. In the dark it was ace so I can only imagine during the day it's pretty good too with some cracking vistas and loads of railway content to geek out over. All the pictures are from the return leg as I was enjoying myself too much 🙃


The smell was divine!


Riding into and onto stations is always cool.


Straight out of a Ghibli film...


Well deserved dinner at The Phoenix 🤣
So, it's been a while since I last uploaded a ride. (Work, life, other stuff...blah,blah.) But I have had a week off. I spent the first part of the week restoring a frame, which I wanted to do before the colder weather sets in. So today, I took the Kuwa out for a spin. Today was probably the nicest day of the week 17C and felt quite warm in the sunshine. I went of the beaten track a bit (well, as far as you can in SW London :D ) This park, in contrast to the one next door to it, is almost always practically deserted. It's a nice place to ride . IMG_5191.jpeg There are not as many deer in this park, although there are some, somewhere. The are giant black birds though. I thought it was a Cormorant...and my phone tells me that it is! It also tells me is scientific name is Phalacrocorax. Which is a much cooler name IMHO... If I was a Cormorant I would correct people...'It's Phalacrocorax, actually....'


I don't tend to fit 'luggage' to my bikes, none of them even have bottle cages...I even take them off bikes I buy that come with them. I don't know why I do this really.

Anyway, a family member bought me this frame back a while back.... I stuck it on the Kuwa, because I kept tripping over it in the shed. Anyway, It is actually turning out to be quite useful... I mean who knew???

I do like these sunny autumn days,
IMG_5200.jpeg I rode back towards home along the riverside (I was looking for a bridge to photograph :) I realised I had never actually taken a picture of this place, even though I've ridden past it a million times... This bit it is kind of like an extension to the original house that Henry Lived in...I'm not sure how he got planning permission for an extension this large in this borough,,,, IMG_5205.jpeg

Then, later on, after exploding the front wheel on this one (don't ask - electronic pump user error)) I fixed it up and took it out for another, shorter ride, ended up around 10k in the end. This is the only bike I have that has a bell (or a pump, which is ironic) Quite a different ride from the one earlier in the day, but both lovely to ride.

Wednesday night ride, Bristol to Bath and back on route #4, the old railway line. I've run a portion of it but with my achilles healing and decent weather, I took Simone with me instead of my trainers. In the dark it was ace so I can only imagine during the day it's pretty good too with some cracking vistas and loads of railway content to geek out over. All the pictures are from the return leg as I was enjoying myself too much 🙃


The smell was divine!


Riding into and onto stations is always cool.


Straight out of a Ghibli film...


Well deserved dinner at The Phoenix 🤣
Very cool, I've not done that route for a long time

The strawberry line (yatton - cheddar) is like that with a few old stations - there's a tunnel as well but its never lit, so theres an element of dodging kids & dogs if you forget your lights 😅