Today's Ride

After Monday's ride it's been wild and wet, but this morning whilst very soggy and with an early shower, the wind has died down. Still mild, 10-12 degrees, solid cloud, 5-6 S/SE breeze. Apart from the odd bird song, it was silent up top. One of my favourite spots to stop and take it all in.



That's a fishing boats light out on the horizon.

I'm absolutely loving the Roadhouse (Simone) ride. Unsurprisingly, it feels just like my Hot given it's 853; supple but light and zingy. It's a joy!
Spent a couple of hours biking around on Monolith, taking pictures of statues. And trees. And pylons. Because reasons. Inadvertently found the deepest rutted trail of my life. Many of the trails around here are cut by 4 wheeled ATVs. It's a double edged sword, I get miles and miles of double track, but in the muddy and softer areas, the erosion is killer!
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Forget about pedal strikes, this one is almost above the 26" tire! IMG_20241011_134222838.jpg
Here, you can see that the bottom of the 4 wheeler dragged and scraped the center area smooth, and some brave soul rode a bike right down the middle! Not me, I walked around. IMG_20241011_133210524.jpg IMG_20241011_133256532.jpg This is the deepest rut I've ever seen, the granddaddy of all ruts. I don't even know how it is possible, the whole bike is in there, up to the stem! Here's a shot of me standing above it for reference. IMG_20241011_133351369.jpg
Bonus picture of some fresh raccoon tracks down there in the soft mud: IMG_20241011_133401877.jpg