Late posting yesterday's ride since eating bacon sarnies and watching only fools and horses took precedence over uploading to imgur when I got home
Quick early morning lap, sun made an appearance along with some pretty terrible headwinds.
Had been getting some on/off wrist pain the last week or so which I figured was probably due to the stem being very short/tall at 50mm/30 deg, swapped it for a Cube stem which I believe is 75mm/6 deg then went and put 60km on it. Felt a lot better but I feel like I'd benefit from something slightly longer/taller. Hit my favourite route which is the Hart to Haswell line on NCR1 which was looking very autumnal.

Had been getting some on/off wrist pain the last week or so which I figured was probably due to the stem being very short/tall at 50mm/30 deg, swapped it for a Cube stem which I believe is 75mm/6 deg then went and put 60km on it. Felt a lot better but I feel like I'd benefit from something slightly longer/taller. Hit my favourite route which is the Hart to Haswell line on NCR1 which was looking very autumnal.