Kona Fan
Mrs Moonlite and I have just done a long walk around the village and come across no fewer than seven kiddy bikes abandoned at strategic intervals alongside the road. All of them poor-quality entry-level ones with heavy frames and basic parts; all rusted and clearly never having been cared for. Last night someone must have done a circuit of the neighbourhood and chucked them out. Sad.
As for riding, although it was nice and clear and bright today, when I set out for I ride it soon became clear that the ten days' idleness (well, working at my desk) that have intervened since the last ride had done me no favours. This, in conjunction with a stiff, freezing wind gusting up to 40kph directly from the direction of travel meant I turned tail after 5km and let it push me home. Not my finest hour (or 30min 10sec to be precise).
As for riding, although it was nice and clear and bright today, when I set out for I ride it soon became clear that the ten days' idleness (well, working at my desk) that have intervened since the last ride had done me no favours. This, in conjunction with a stiff, freezing wind gusting up to 40kph directly from the direction of travel meant I turned tail after 5km and let it push me home. Not my finest hour (or 30min 10sec to be precise).